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What is Cloud Access Security Broker in 2022?

What does it mean to be a cloud access security broker in 2022? How important is the cloud access security broker? These are the things that we will tackle below.

What is Cloud Access Security Broker in 2022?

A cloud access security broker is identity management and security enforcement technology. That is used to control access to cloud-based resources and services.

The Cloud Security Alliance (CSA) defined a cloud access security broker as a policy enforcement point. That controls user access to applications and services in a cloud environment.

The challenge with the traditional security approaches is that they can’t be completely deployed in the cloud. It is due to the lack of visibility and control of the cloud environment.

To solve this dilemma, a new type of security solution is needed. So a cloud access security broker can provide the visibility and control that’s needed to secure the cloud.

In Additional Information

An open-source cloud access security broker (OSS-CASB) is free. So open-source software is used as an extension of existing network infrastructure. 

The purpose of OSS-CASB is to enforce policies on data traversing both internal networks and public cloud environments. OSS-CASB consists of three basic components: 

  • Identity Provider (IdP)
  • Policy Enforcement Point (PEP)
  • Service Provider (SP)

It’s important to note that OSS-CASB doesn’t require proprietary hardware or software to work. All it requires is the enforcement of policies at the application layer. 

So this is why it’s considered an open-source extension of network infrastructure, not a hardware/software product.

Another important thing to know about OSS-CASB is that there are two main types: 

  • Active
  • Passive

An active CASB actively inspects traffic, while a passive CASB inspects traffic only when needed. An active CASB acts as a proxy between users and applications that are accessed through the SP.

On the other hand, a passive CASB doesn’t act as a proxy but instead acts as an observer without modifying or inspecting traffic. Passive CASBs are cheaper and easier to deploy than active solutions.

However, one disadvantage of using passive OSS-CASBs is that you will have no visibility into traffic going through your organization’s network. If you are using third-party SaaS services for example. 

Therefore, if you have sensitive data being sent through third-party SaaS providers like AWS or Google G Suite/Apps. Then you should use active OSS-CASB as a proxy to control and monitor the traffic.

Issues And Problem

Are there any issues and problems with the cloud access security broker? Yes, there are some issues and problems with the cloud access security broker. 

One of the most common issues is that the cloud access security broker is not as easy to use as a commercial solution. That’s due to the lack of support for the cloud access security broker. 

Also, the documentation for solutions can be difficult to find and understand. Another common issue with the cloud access security broker is that it can be time-consuming to deploy and manage. 

Also, it can be hard to get help if you have questions or encounter issues with deployment. Moreover, you will have to modify your existing environment if you are using an active OSS-CASB. 

Therefore, this can take a lot of time and resources to complete.  

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