data protection 2019

All About Data Protection 2019

What is data protection 2019? Data protection is a set of strategies and processes you can use to secure the privacy, availability, and integrity of your data. It is sometimes also called data security. This article teaches you about the latest trends and techniques in data protection technology.

All About Data Protection 2019

The concept of data protection first emerged in the 1970s. Companies began to collect personal information about customers, but they were not sure how to use it responsibly. 

For example, banks wanted to know how much money their customers earned, so they could offer better products. But the customers did not want the banks to know this information because it might be for marketing purposes. 

The banks were not sure what to do, so they consulted experts. They asked, “Is it ethical to use our customers’ personal information for marketing or research?” The experts replied that it was unethical.

But the banks did not stop collecting personal information. Instead, they created a set of guidelines for using the information. These guidelines were data protection rules.

Using Computers and Databases

By the 1980s, companies had started to use computers and databases to store large amounts of personal information. 

Some of this data was sensitive, such as health and financial records. This encouraged companies to start thinking about data protection more seriously. 

They now wanted to protect their customers’ personal information from hackers and other threats like natural disasters and fires. Also, they began to realize that the information could be for marketing, and the customers might not want that. 

But it was not easy to protect the data. Some of the data were on paper, so it was easy to lose or damage. 

Some of the data was being stored on floppy disks, which were easy to copy. Companies had no good way to protect this data.

Data Protection Is a Set of Strategies and Processes

How do you protect data? It’s not enough to make copies of it or put it in a safe place. You also need to be able to restore the data if it is lost or damaged. 

And you need to keep the data safe from people who want to steal or change it. You need a strategy and a set of processes to make sure this happens. 

These strategies and processes are data protection. This is what they include. 

How to Delete Data so It Can’t Be Recovered 

You can delete data so that it can’t be recovered, but you can’t delete it forever. There are many ways that data can still be, even after you have deleted it. 

This is why the process of deletion is overwriting. It means that the data is by other data, so it becomes unreadable. 

For example, you could use a special program to overwrite the data with zeros (0s). You could also use a built-in program called a shredder. 

However, there are many ways to recover data that has been overwritten or shredded. This is why the process of deleting data is often called sanitizing it instead. 


In summary, data protection is a set of strategies and processes used to protect your data from harm. This includes protecting it from theft or loss, and also from people who might want to change or steal it. 

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