Akamai Secure Access Service Edge

Akamai Secure Access Service Edge

Today, we will know what Akamai secure access service edge is. Also, we will know what its benefits are for companies using it. So, read on.

Akamai Secure Access Service Edge

Akamai secure access service edge or Akamai SASE refers to a security service provided by Akamai to its customers. This service is provided to companies that use the Akamai content delivery network. This is to deliver their web content and media to their users. 

Further, this protects the traffic between a customer’s origin server and the Akamai CDN edge server. This is by terminating TLS connections at the edge of the Akamai network. It is important to note that TLS termination is not performed by the origin server but rather at the edge of the Akamai network. 

Also, it is important to note that TLS termination is not performed for all the traffic. Only the traffic from a website or media delivered via the Akamai CDN network is terminated at the edge of the Akamai network. The traffic from a website or media not delivered via the Akamai CDN network is never terminated at Akamai SASE.

Akamai Secure Access Service Edge Benefits

What, then, are the benefits of Akamai SASE? Well, firstly, it helps to improve the security of the content delivered by the Akamai CDN network. This is because the TLS traffic between a customer’s origin server and Akamai CDN edge server passes through a secure and private network of Akamai, instead of the public Internet. 

Further, Akamai SASE helps reduce the load on a customer’s origin server as well. This is because, as mentioned earlier, all TLS traffic is terminated at Akamai SASE. This means that instead of a customer’s origin server terminating TLS connections from its users, Akamai SASE does it. 

Then, the connection between a user and a customer’s origin server remains unencrypted until it reaches Akamai SASE. Once it reaches Akamai SASE, it is encrypted before being sent to the customer’s origin server. But what is SASE and why should you use it?


Today, more and more companies are using the Akamai CDN network to deliver their web content and media to their users. This is because Akamai CDN provides fast, reliable, and scalable delivery of web content and media to the end-users. 

But what do you do if your company does not have a website or media to deliver via the Akamai CDN network? Then, you will be left out in the cold. You will miss out on all the benefits of using the Akamai CDN network. 

This is where Akamai SASE comes in handy. With Akamai SASE, you can take advantage of the benefits of the Akamai CDN network without having to deliver your website or media via it. 

You see, with Akamai SASE, you can add a layer of security to your TLS traffic between your origin server and the edge server of the Akamai CDN network


So, as you can see, Akamai SASE adds a layer of security to your TLS traffic between your origin server and the edge server of the Akamai CDN network. This helps to improve the security of your website or media as well as reduce the load on your origin server. 

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