Roadmap to Secure Access Service Edge

A Roadmap To Secure Access Service Edge

Implementing a roadmap to secure access service edge will make it more resilient and effective. This strategic plan is very useful in your journey in taking the path of a more modern process. 

What Is A Roadmap to Secure Access Service Edge?

It is a strategy that helps the organization to be more competitive in the marketplace. It helps you to maintain and improve the security of the enterprise. And ensure that the business continuity is not affected.

Why Is it Important?

It is important to start the roadmap to secure access service edge. Because it will help you in having a good relationship with:

  • your customers,
  • business partners and
  • employees

The roadmap will help you to have a competitive advantage in the marketplace. It will increase your revenue. You will have a better product than your competition.

Takeaways In A Roadmap To SASE

A roadmap to SASE should take into account the following in detail and why?:

1. Your Business Goals

But before the roadmap is made, the business goals of the enterprise must be clear. The business goals of the organization will lead to some specific business objectives. It will also help you to determine your business direction.

It will also help you in having a good relationship with your customers, business partners, and employees.

The roadmap must include actions and metrics for business goals and objectives. These metrics will ensure that the goals are achieved by the enterprise. 

2. Your Business Strategy

The roadmap to secure access service edge must consider the business strategy of the organization. The business strategy of the enterprise must be aligned with the business goals. 

It will help you to achieve your business goals and objectives.

3. Your Enterprise Risk Management (Erm) Framework And Structure

The roadmap to secure access service edge must consider the enterprise risk management framework and structure.

The erm framework will aid in identifying risks that can affect the enterprise. And help in identifying ways to manage these risks effectively.

4. Your Investments And Business Model

The roadmap to secure access service edge must take into account the investment that has been made by the enterprise. And if there is a need for additional investments in the future.

The roadmap must also consider the business model of the enterprise. It will help you to determine your business direction and how you will serve your customers.

5. Your Enterprise Capabilities

The roadmap to secure access service edge must consider your enterprise capabilities. This will help you in determining how much value an enterprise can add to the organizations:

  • Products,
  • services and to its customers. 

6. Your Enterprise Culture

The roadmap must consider your enterprise culture and strategy. This will help you in determining what your employees will do in case of a disaster

 It will also help you with planning for response, recovery, and resilience activities of the organization. 

7. Your Threat Intelligence And Risk Management Framework

The roadmap must also consider your threat intelligence framework. This will aid in gathering and analyzing information about possible threats to the enterprise.


A roadmap to SASE must consider the business goals and objectives. It must also consider the business strategy of the enterprise. Also take into account the enterprise risk management framework and structure.

It must also consider the investment that has been made by the enterprise.

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