Secure Web Gateway vs CASB

Secure Web Gateway vs CASB

Secure Web Gateway vs CASB. Each of these terms has a different meaning from the other. Also, each one has its unique purpose. So, find out what these are by scrolling below.

Secure Web Gateway vs CASB

To begin, let us define what a Secure Web Gateway is. This refers to a piece of hardware or software that is placed in front of the webserver. It can also be known as an SSL or TLS proxy server.

Further, it is used to ensure that all traffic that goes in and out of the server is encrypted and secure. This means that it will decrypt secure traffic from the client, encrypt non-secure traffic from the server, and send the traffic in an encrypted form out to the internet.

Then, the main purpose of these gateways is to provide security for the applications hosted on a web server. This is why most of them are integrated with other security products such as firewalls or intrusion prevention systems.

Some of these products also have additional features like load balancing and caching. This, then, enhances their performance and usefulness in a network.

On the other hand, CASB stands for Cloud Access Security Broker. A broker is a third-party entity that provides services to two other parties. The idea behind this term is that cloud service providers offer cloud services to their customers. While security vendors provide security to their customers via cloud services. CASB refers to a product or service that provides this type of service between these two entities.

Moreover, a CASB has features such as network access control, identity management, data loss prevention, governance, threat protection, and compliance management among others. Also, they are commonly integrated with other security infrastructure solutions to provide their customers with a comprehensive security experience.

Secure Web Gateway vs CASB

As you can see from the above paragraphs, there are some similarities between SSL Proxy Servers and CASBs. But there are some important differences between them too.

The main purpose of both these solutions is to provide security for web applications by ensuring that traffic between clients and servers remains secure at all times. Therefore, they are commonly integrated with other security products. Such as firewalls or IDS/IPS systems to provide more comprehensive protection for networks and servers hosting applications on them. 

Further, both have features like load balancing, which can enhance performance levels in networks where they are used. They both have three tiers, namely gateway, proxy server, and cache server. 

However, the way they operate differs from each other in terms of functionality offered by each tier. Some products also have additional features such as a web application firewall (WAF) to block certain types of traffic. And of course, the pricing for each type is different too.

Final Words

So, now you know what a Secure Web Gateways and a CASB are. As well as the differences between them. But that just makes it even more confusing when choosing the right one for your needs. The best thing to do is to compare which features you need in a CASB or SSL proxy server. 

Also, find out which product has these features at an affordable price. So that you can easily choose the right one for your network’s needs.

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