how network security can be achieved

How Network Security Can Be Achieved With These Tips

How Network Security Can Be Achieved is important. Because it protects your personal information, finances, and reputation. In this article, we’ll discuss some of the basics of network security and how you can protect yourself against hackers.

Encrypt your wireless signal

If you’re going to use wireless internet, make sure you set up security on your wireless router. Encrypt your wireless signal with WPA or WPA2 encryption. WPA2 is the best because it’s more difficult for hackers to crack. You should also change the default SSID name. And make sure you choose one that’s not easy for others to guess.

Configure your router correctly

Hackers can easily hack a poorly-configured network router device by making changes in its configuration file. This can be in different ways, including accessing the web-based interface directly (if it’s not protected with a username/password). Or by exploiting software vulnerabilities. Therefore, make sure that your router configuration is correct. And that you have updated its firmware (if necessary) and patches (if available).

Disable their ability to act

If you have any devices on your network that don’t support encryption (e.g., printers). Then disable their ability to act as network devices on the home network. By either unplugging them or using an Ethernet switch with a port-based VLAN assignment. Doing so will prevent hackers from using them as an entry point into your network (via ARP spoofing, etc.).

Update home computers

Ensure that all of your home computers have patches against software vulnerabilities by applying all available updates; this includes both operating system updates (Microsoft Windows, Mac OS X, etc.) and application updates (Flash Player, Adobe Reader, etc.).

Also, ensure that all of your computers are running the latest version of their respective operating systems; this will make it more difficult for hackers to exploit unpatched vulnerabilities in older versions of those operating systems.

Run anti-virus software

Also, ensure that all your computers are running anti-virus software and have current anti-virus definitions installed; this includes both desktop computers and laptops/netbooks/tablets which may access the internet via Wi-Fi hotspots or other means.

Also, remember to update your anti-virus software regularly. And run it on a schedule so that no new threats go undetected. If you have a Mac, then ensure that you have anti-virus software installed; Mac OS X comes with anti-virus software (i.e., Xprotect) which is not very good and not updated regularly. It’s best to install and use a third-party anti-virus solution like ClamXav or Avast! Antivirus for Mac.

Use Strong Passwords

One of the best ways to avoid having your computer become part of a botnet is to make sure that your computer has a strong password. A strong password is at least 8 characters in length and contains a combination of letters and numbers. And does not contain any dictionary words (i.e., it does not contain any actual words).

Turn Off File Sharing

If there’s one thing that will make a computer vulnerable to hackers faster than just about anything else, it’s file sharing. This feature allows people on the same network to access files on each others’ computers. However, it also allows hackers outside the network to access your files as well. Especially, if you don’t have adequate security measures in place (like an antivirus program).

If you use file sharing on your network, be sure to disable it until you’re ready to use it again; otherwise, leave it off permanently. Also, remember that you disable the file-sharing by default in Windows Vista/7/8/10 or Mac OS X Leopard and higher, so if you’re running one of those operating systems, then turn file sharing off and forget about it until you want to use it again. 

Take Advantage Of Antivirus And Firewall Programs 

It’s important for everyone who uses the internet in one way or another to have an up-to-date antivirus program installed on their computers because this is the main line of defence against viruses, worms, Trojans, rootkits, etc.; pretty much everything that can crash your computer or infect it with a virus can be stopped by an up-to-date antivirus program. 

Ensure That Your Computer Is Running The Latest Version Of Your Operating System And Applications 

It’s important to ensure that your computer is running the latest version of its operating system as well as any applications you use because this is one way to ensure that you’re protected against known vulnerabilities in older versions of those operating systems and applications.

In addition, it’s also important to ensure that you’re using the latest versions of your wireless network adapter drivers because this will help to ensure that your wireless network adapter will work well with the latest wireless routers. In addition, it’s also important to ensure that you’re using the latest versions of your wireless network adapter drivers because this will help to ensure that your wireless network adapter will work well with the latest wireless routers.

You can find out if you have a newer version available for your operating system or any applications by checking their websites and getting the newest version if there is one available (make sure you uninstall the older version before installing the newest version).

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