network security lab

Why is Network Security Lab Important?

Network Security LabThe first thing that comes to mind is imperative to create a safe and secure environment for your business. The second thing that comes to mind is that network security is becoming increasingly more important as the threat landscape grows.

We all know how important it is to secure our personal computers against viruses and other malware, but the same principles apply to your business network.

What does Network Security Lab Include?

The scope of our Network Security Lab depends on which type of assessment you choose (managed or independent).

In either case, we engage with all aspects of your network, including:

Vulnerabilities in web applications
Web vulnerabilities
OS vulnerabilities
Device vulnerabilities
Communication protocols weaknesses

What are Vulnerabilities in web applications?

Vulnerabilities in web applications refer to exploitable errors that are in web applications, including SQLi and XSS.

SQLi vulnerabilities refer to exploitable code that exists within a website’s database. These are malicious codes that are embedded within a website and can manipulate the database in order to gain data. This information can then be in the database or used in other ways (e.g. modification of data).

XSS vulnerabilities refer to exploitable code that exists within a website’s client-side code (e.g. a website’s HTML code). These are malicious codes that are embedded within a website and can be used to manipulate the client-side code in order to gain data. This information can then either use directly on the site or be used in other ways (e.g. modification of data).

What is Web Vulnerability? 

A web vulnerability refers to any weakness that exists at the level of the web browser or application server (the software programs located at your company’s servers).

These include outdated versions of web browsers, outdated versions of server software, or the use of insecure protocols (e.g. HTTP instead of HTTPS) by your company’s servers.

What is an OS vulnerability? 

An OS vulnerability refers to any weakness that exists at the level of your operating system, including outdated versions of your operating system, weak permissions settings for security-critical files, weak passwords for default user accounts, and insecure protocols (e.g. SMB instead of NFS).

What is a Device vulnerability?

A device vulnerability refers to any weakness that exists on devices connected to your network, including weak passwords for default user accounts on wireless access points, weak passwords for default user accounts on printers, weak passwords for default user accounts on VoIP phones, and insecure protocols (e.g. HTTP instead of HTTPS) on wireless devices connected to your networks such as wireless printers and VoIP phones. 

What is a Communication Protocol Weakness?

A communication protocol weakness refers to any weakness that exists within the communication protocols of your network. These include weaknesses within the 802.11 wireless encryption standard, weaknesses within the 802.3 wired Ethernet standard, and weaknesses within the Internet Protocol (e.g. UDP, ICMP, TCP).

What is a Vulnerability Assessment?

A vulnerability assessment is a process of scanning your network infrastructure for all the vulnerabilities mentioned above. This involves a thorough analysis of all aspects of your network.


Network Security Lab is the best way to ensure the integrity of your network and protect your business from cyber threats. It is vital for any company to undergo this assessment, whether you are just starting out or you have been around for a few years.

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