How Often Do Cyber Crimes Occur?

How Often Do Cyber Crimes Occur?

Cybercrime has become an extremely lucrative industry, according to new research. They predict that cybercriminal activities will reach nearly $600 billion annually worldwide by 2021.

What is cybercrime?

This term refers to crimes committed via electronic communications like email or social media sites. Also, these crimes include identity theft, hacking into computers, and stealing data.

The majority of cyber crimes happen to individuals, and most of them are not financial in nature. In fact, only one in five cybercrime victims lost money. The remaining victims lost confidential information or had their reputations damaged.

Identity theft is one of the most common cybercrimes. It includes instances where criminals use your details to apply for credit cards, open bank accounts, file false tax returns, or commit other crimes in your name.

Unfortunately, there is no way to completely eliminate the risk of being a victim of cybercrime. However, there are ways that you can reduce your risk:

Protect Sensitive Information

Be aware of malware on your devices. These are malicious applications that act as tracking devices and allow hackers to access your personal information.

Watch out for phishing emails and websites aimed at stealing valuable information like passwords or credit card numbers.

Register Your Devices

Many people do not know that they can register their devices with the National Cyber-Forensics & Training Alliance (NCFTA). This helps law enforcement track down a stolen device and possibly return it to its owner.

Keep Software Up-To-Date

Keep all software up-to-date with the latest security patches, since this can minimize any vulnerabilities that hackers could exploit to gain access to your data.

Do Not Use Public Wi-Fi Unless It Is Encrypted And Secure

Public Wi-Fi is generally not encrypted or secure, so you should never use it unless you have a way to encrypt the connection first (like a Virtual Private Network ).

Use Strong Passwords And Change Them Often!

Strong passwords include a combination of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols. They should be at least 16 characters long and change frequently! 

If you want protection from cybercrimes then make sure you follow these four steps:

Encrypt your data and communications.

Encryption will make it so that if your device is stolen or hacked, the hacker will not be able to access your data. Encrypting your data also protects you against threats like ransomware.

Install security software on all of your devices.

These tools include antivirus, antispyware, and firewalls that can protect you from malware and hackers.

Educate yourself.

There are many resources available to help you learn how to protect yourself online. For example, you can use the Cybersecurity Essentials course to help you protect yourself and others online.

Use protection when possible.

For example, use a password manager to help you create long, complex passwords for all of your accounts and devices.

You should also enable two-factor authentication on any account that offers it so that even if someone guesses or steals your password they still cannot access your account without the access code sent to your phone via SMS text message or app notification.

Conclusion: How Often Do Cyber Crimes Occur?

 Cybercrime is a growing problem that affects everyone. You can protect yourself by using strong passwords, encrypting your data, installing security software, and educating yourself.

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