Can Bots Do Captcha?

Can Bots Do Captcha? Read These Tips!

Can bots do captcha?

A bot is a computer program that automatically performs repetitive tasks. In this case, they identify spam emails.

A captcha is a series of letters and numbers that users must type into a box to prove they are human.

The purpose of a captcha is to prevent automated programs from accessing your site.

There are 2 main types of captchas: text and image. The text version is the most common, but image captchas are also necessary for some email applications.

A text captcha contains letters and numbers that you must type into a box. Image captchas contain images instead of words or numbers. You can use both kinds of captchas at the same time, but the best way to do it is to alternate them or use one kind at a time.

Most spammers don’t want to waste the time and effort necessary to solve the captchas on your site, so they simply move on to another site that doesn’t have any.

If you use both kinds of captcha, you need to use a program that can solve both kinds as well. In other words, don’t rely on a computer program designed for just text or just images.

Some bots can solve text captchas very quickly, but if you alternate between image and text, most bots won’t have enough time or patience to complete the task. That’s why alternating works best—or using one kind at a time if you don’t feel like alternating them yourself! 

Here’s what you need to do…

#1: Always change your image captchas frequently (3-9 months)

Internet bots are always getting smarter—and so are the programs to combat them! If you have an old image captcha with only one possible solution, then change it as soon as possible! The longer you wait, the more time your bots will waste solving it.

#2: Don’t make your captcha too hard for humans OR easy for bots

You want it hard enough so that bots won’t waste their time solving it—but easy enough so that human users can easily solve it without too much effort. Unless you want angry users who get tired of solving captchas all day long, try to make the level of challenge just right for everyone!

#3: Don’t make your captcha too long!

A very long captcha is very difficult for users to understand and solve. If the captcha is too long, users won’t bother to complete it, and you’ll end up with a lot of frustration—and potential users leaving your site. It’s better to use shorter captchas with more variations than one long one.

Some of the best methods for solving captchas include:

1. ReCaptcha

ReCaptcha is a system developed by Google that lets you verify that a user is human using a two-step process. In the first step, a user simply clicks on the check box to verify that they are not a bot. In the second step, the user must type in letters and numbers that appear in the box next to the check box.

With over 300 million websites already using it—including WordPress, Facebook, Twitter, and Yahoo—it’s considered one of the best ways to keep your site free from spam emails.

You can even use it on your WordPress comments to see if someone is spamming your blog! It’s free to use, but there are also paid versions that offer extra security features and advanced analytics!

2. Simple Captcha

Simple Captcha uses both text and images in its captchas. The first part of the captcha is always an image—and you can choose from multiple levels of difficulty for this first part! Then, once a user clicks on the check box to say they are not a robot, they are presented with a second text captcha that has both numbers and letters in it.

The letters are usually capitalized as well. Users must type in all of this information before submitting their comment form or sending an email message. It’s easy for humans to solve but very hard for bots!

There are also other features like maximum attempts and reCAPTCHA support, which automatically hides values in worded captchas when you type them out using reCAPTCHA’s API service in your comment/contact form plugin like Contact Form 7 or Ninja Forms

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