the ultimate guide to application control

What Is Application Control and How It Works?

How do you prevent hackers from accessing your network? Read here the ultimate guide to application control.

Application Control Overview

Application Control is the ideal solution to prevent hackers from accessing your network. It is a powerful, modern application firewall that blocks malicious traffic and prevents users from accessing unauthorized apps. Also, it is a virtual appliance that sits between users and applications.

This includes inspecting traffic on the network, identifying threats, and protecting your business. Thus, Application Control (Application Firewall) provides the security features to protect your programs and computer. It can be deployed as a virtual appliance and doesn’t require any hardware. It sits between users and applications.

The device inspects all traffic before it reaches the user. For example, if you have an employee that tries to access an unauthorized app or website, Application Control will prevent him from doing so by blocking the traffic. So, this way you can control what apps employees can access on your network. Also, it protects your business from being hacked.

Intrusion Prevention

Application Control (Application Firewall) also prevent users from accessing resources inside your network. This is to protect them from malware running inside your networks such as Torrent clients or FTP clients. Also, it includes protection from malware that uses Dropbox to spread itself around networks.

Another example of how Application Control works is in preventing users from installing certain applications on your organization’s mobile devices. These are such as VPN clients, file sharing apps, and media players. You can use Application Control to prevent employees from accessing these apps on their mobile devices.

This is done by implementing the Device Level Controls (Device Access). This way you can tell which apps are authorized for each device. For example, only a specific application like Skype can be installed on the employee’s mobile phone.

Deep Packet Inspection

The main purpose of Application Control is to help you secure your network against internal threats. These are such as malware running inside your network or hackers trying to hack into it. This is by stopping it before it gets into the user’s browser through encryption.

This application inspects all traffic before it reaches the user’s device through deep packet inspection (DPI). This is a very powerful security solution that protects your business across all layers of security. These layers include the Physical Layer, Network Laye, Data Layer, and User Layer.

What Does Your Organization Needs?

How do I know if my company needs Application Control? Your company needs Application Control if you want to prevent hackers from accessing your network. Second, if you want to prevent employees from accessing certain prohibited websites.

You also need it if you want to prevent users from installing certain apps on their devices. And if you want to control what apps employees can run and where they can run them And much more! If you want to know how Application Control can help you prevent these threats and more, just read the ultimate guide to Application Control.

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