network security ppt

Looking into Network Security PPT

Network Security PPT. Security is a way of life. You need to think about security when you are developing the network. If a network is not secure, it is vulnerable to attack. Security refers to the protection of data and other assets. 

Security can be divided into two simple categories: Confidentiality and Integrity. Confidentiality is the ability to protect sensitive information from unauthorized access. Integrity is the ability to protect data from unauthorized modification or destruction. 

A number of methods exist for accomplishing this goal, including encryption, authentication, and access control. These methods are best as part of an overall security solution. Further, that includes a clear policy on what information is confidential and how it should be safe. 

Let’s review each of these methods in more detail: 

Confidentiality Encryption

Confidentiality Encryption is a process that enables you to hide data. So that it cannot be read by anyone who does not have the correct key or password. It is a bit like sending a letter in an envelope so that no one but the recipient can read it. This process takes the original message and transforms it into another message. Further, that appears to be random text or nonsense before it is all over the network. 


Authentication ensures that only authorized users can access your network and the data it contains. It is a key element in protecting your network against unauthorized access. Authentication is using three different techniques: a user name and password, a physical token (such as a smart card or biometric device), or public-key cryptography.

User authentication is the most common method to protect computer access and resources on a network. The user must supply his or her username and password to the system to allow access to the network and its resources.

Most users are familiar with this type of authentication because it has been around for decades in the form of username/password combinations for accessing computers and other devices connected to the network. However, this type of authentication does have some significant weaknesses.

Access control

Access control refers to restricting (or denying) access to specific resources based on various criteria. Such as user identity, group membership, IP address, device, time of day/day of the week, etc. Access control is using a combination of hardware and software mechanisms.

Network Security PPT

Network security is the set of controls put in place to protect a network from a variety of threats and attacks, including unauthorized access, both physical and logical. Security is broken down into two basic areas: confidentiality and integrity. Confidentiality refers to the protection of data from unauthorized use or disclosure. Integrity refers to the protection of data from unauthorized modification.

The most basic network security mechanism is the router, which filters packets based on layer 3 addresses, protocols, and port numbers.

Firewalls are used to protect resources on a private network. Further, firewalls can be configured in a number of ways to allow users to gain access to certain resources while denying them access to others. Firewalls are commonly used to enforce security policies on both private and public networks. If set up properly, firewalls can help secure access between two separate networks or two different parts of one network (such as a server and an internal network).

Firewalls can be “packet filtering” or “stateful inspection.” Packet filtering firewalls let some packets through while blocking others based on the information contained in each packet’s header (such as source address, a destination address, protocol type, etc.). Stateful inspection firewalls keep track of all packets that have been sent and received overtime for each connection. This allows them to detect when an application is transmitting data in an unusual or unexpected way.

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