Benefits of a Secure Web Gateway in Umbrella

Benefits of a Secure Web Gateway in Umbrella

What are the benefits of a secure web gateway in umbrella? What does this mean for your company today? Find out below.

Benefits of a Secure Web Gateway in Umbrella

To begin, a secure web gateway in umbrella refers to a firewall device that sits in front of your existing firewall. This allows you to filter traffic before it hits the main firewall, which can reduce the amount of processing required by the firewall. It also allows you to filter traffic that cannot be handled by the main firewall. Thus, reducing the chance of a denial of service attack.

Unfortunately, most organizations today are using their routers as a gateway and firewall. While routers do offer some filtering capabilities, they do not provide enough protection from malicious attacks to keep your business operating at peak performance. 

So, if you want your business to run at peak performance, here are the main benefits of a secure web gateway in umbrella:

Firewall Protection

Having SWG in an umbrella offers you extra protection because it acts as an additional layer of security between your network and the Internet. By placing this layer between your router and your firewall, you are adding layer of security. 

So, a hacker or malware program would have to get through two layers of firewalls. All before they could infiltrate your network and cause problems for your company’s IT department.

Security Features

It offers an array of security features that are not found on a standard router. Depending on what type of SWGyou purchase, you may be able to block cookies, spyware, and other malware programs from ever reaching your network.

Then, you may also be able to block advertisements so that employees don’t waste time watching videos. Or reading articles that won’t help them increase their productivity at work.

Reduces Spam

Another great benefit is the ability to reduce spam messages sent to your email server and delivered through SMTP servers on the Internet. Most routers only filter outbound spam messages. But will allow incoming spam messages if they come from an approved sender’s IP address list. So, SWG can be configured to reject all incoming spam messages while allowing outbound spam messages to go through. Because they are sent from approved IP addresses by default.

Increases Productivity

Because SWG in an umbrella can block advertisements, employees will not have time-wasting distractions while they’re working on project tasks. Or responding to email messages or other work-related correspondence during the workday. This means employees can spend time crafting reports and presentations.

Thus, this will increase productivity among employees who are always on the clock. It will also help encourage your employees to get more work done, in less time. This will reduce the amount of stress and worry that comes with having to deal with a never-ending stream of distractions. So, you will see an increase in employee morale as well.

Enjoy the Benefits of a Secure Web Gateway in Umbrella

Because of all these benefits, if you want your business to run at peak performance, you must invest in the right web gateway for your company’s needs.

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