What Is Secure Web Gateway Cisco

What Is Secure Web Gateway Cisco?

What is secure web gateway Cisco? What makes this different from other tools out there? Find out more below.

What Is Secure Web Gateway Cisco?

When it comes to secure web gateway (SWG), Cisco is one of the things that come to mind. This is because they have been in the industry for several years and they know a thing or two about best practices in the cybersecurity realm. They have been at the forefront of security innovation and this is not surprising at all.

SWG Cisco is one of the many solutions that they have to offer. However, it would be safe to say that it is on top of the list when it comes to everything that you may want from your web gateway. It is not surprising at all since this is something that combines all the best features from their other solutions and more.

So what makes SWG Cisco different? 

What Makes Secure Web Gateway Cisco Different?

Identity-Based Access Control

You do not want anyone trying to gain access to your network and this goes for both insiders as well as outsiders. With identity-based access control, you will be able to ensure that only those who are authorized can access your sensitive information.

Role-Based Privileges And Permissions Management

With role-based privileges and permissions management, you can be sure that you will have total control over who gets access to what and when they can access it. You also have control over what they are allowed to do once they get access too. So there is a lot of flexibility in this area as well.

High Availability And High Scalability

High scalability and high availability are two features that make SWG Cisco different from other solutions out there. If you have a lot of employees working in shifts, you need a solution that can handle the high load with ease and this one does just that. Then, having more than one server will also help keep downtime at bay since if one goes down, the other will pick up where it left off.

Security Intelligence And Control

This is another feature that makes SWG Cisco superior when compared to other solutions out there. Unlike other solutions, it has built-in security intelligence and control which helps in eliminating security threats from the root cause.

Moreover, it also has built-in advanced malware protection which makes it immune to zero-day malware attacks as well as botnet attacks too. So if you want a solution that will offer real-time protection for your network, this is something worth considering.

Security Analytics

Another thing that makes SWG Cisco different is the security analytics that it has. This helps in identifying any potential threats and also provides metrics for your environment. So that you will be able to determine if any changes need to be made about your policies and procedures.

Get Secure Web Gateway Cisco

If you are looking for a web gateway solution that offers the best features of their other solutions, SWG Cisco is something worth looking at. With this, you will be able to ensure that your network is safe from both insider and outsider threats.

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