Secure Access Service Edge Explained

Secure Access Service Edge Explained

In this article, we will read about the secure access service edge explained. Also, we will know what its uses are and what its benefits are. So, read on to find out.

Secure Access Service Edge Explained

Secure access service edge or SASE refers to the intermediate device that acts as a gateway between the internal network and an external network like the internet. Also, SASE protects the company from outside threats that may enter via the internet. 

Then, it checks all incoming data packets to see if they are from valid sources or not. It checks them based on the IP address, port numbers, or even the ethernet header. How does it work?

Well, SASE works in a very simple way. It checks all the packets that enter your company’s network and if they are valid, it lets them pass through to the internal network. If they are invalid, it drops them at the first point of contact.

So, SASE is used to make sure that no malicious communication enters the internal network. Also, SASE can be used for logging purposes or some other security measures like intrusion detection.

Secure Access Service Edge Benefits

To understand its uses and benefits in detail, let’s first know what its uses are. So, here are some of the uses of SASE:

1) To provide a physical gateway for high-security networks. This is one of the basic uses of SASE. Basically, this service allows you to protect your company from external threats by providing a physical gateway for high-security networks. Nowadays, there is a tremendous increase in cybercrimes like hacking and phishing.

2) To filter unwanted data packets. Another major use of SASE is to filter out unwanted data packets. This device protects your company from malicious communication by filtering all incoming packets based on their IP addresses. Or ethernet headers or port numbers, etc. Then, this way keeps all unwanted data packets away from your company’s internal network. All while allowing only those data packets that are wanted by the people who are using them inside your company’s network.

3) To log all incoming packets. Using SASE you can also keep track of all data packets that come into your company’s network via the internet. Or any other external source (like a USB drive). Then, it keeps a track of all incoming data packets as well as outgoing data packets via its logging feature. 

4) To prevent external attacks. SASE protects companies from external attacks by making sure that only valid data is allowed to enter their internal networks. And then the invalid or malicious data is dropped at the first point of contact with this device itself. So that it never reaches the internal networks which can lead to huge losses for any business or organization. 


As you can see, it is very important to have SASE in place if you want to protect your business/organization from external attacks. So, make sure that your company’s network is protected with SASE. You can find more information on this topic by browsing this site.

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