6 Questions to Ask Before Evaluating Secure Web Gateways

6 Questions to Ask Before Evaluating Secure Web Gateways

To blog will feature 6 questions to ask before evaluating secure web gateways. So, keep on scrolling below to know these questions.

6 Questions to Ask Before Evaluating Secure Web Gateways

Why is a secure web gateway important?

One of the most important questions to ask before evaluating a secure web gateway (SWG), is why? Why do you need SWG? Is it required to protect your network from malware attacks? Do you want to restrict users’ access to particular websites? Or, do you just want to manage the user’s internet access at the office?

What functions should be included in SWG?

Another important question to ask before evaluating SWG is what functions should be included in it. You should decide this by understanding how frequently you will use the features of the SWG that you choose.

For example, if you are using it to block malicious websites, then you should consider SWG with an inbuilt malware scanner. However, if you are using it for controlling internet access at the office then there is no need for an inbuilt malware scanner.

Further, you can also consider if the SWG has an option of integrating with other applications or not. For example, an advanced firewall provides an option of integrating with other third-party applications like proxy servers, email servers, etc.

Which browser do the secure web gateways support?

Another important question to ask before is which browsers does it support? It is very important because some browsers tend to have more security vulnerabilities than others. 

For example, IE has more security issues than Firefox. Hence, make sure that your chosen one supports the browser that your users usually use. Also, go for one that supports all versions of the browsers as well.

Is it possible to configure how each browser will behave when accessing any website through the secure web gateway?

Another important question to ask is if it is possible to configure how each browser will behave when accessing any website through the secure web gateway? If yes, then go for one that allows configuring which URLs should be accessed by which browser or not. 

If not then don’t go for one as it will be very hard for your users who are used to access different sites from different browsers. Hence, they will face a lot of problems using this particular secure web gateway product.

How many simultaneous connections can be made from any single computer using this secure web gateway?

Another important question to ask is how many simultaneous connections can be made from any single computer using this SWG? A good number of simultaneous connections would help users to maintain their connections without any issues.

How much data transfer can be made from any single computer using this secure web gateway?

Finally, another important question to ask is how much data transfer can be made from any single computer using this SWG? Make sure you choose a product that is capable of handling enough data transfer. 

Ask These 6 Questions in Evaluating Secure Web Gateways

In conclusion, there are 6 questions to ask before evaluating secure web gateways. These are mentioned above. Make sure to understand the answers to these questions and then choose the one that suits your needs.

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