Secure Web Gateway vs VPN vs Proxy vs CASB

Secure Web Gateway vs VPN vs Proxy vs CASB

Secure web gateway vs VPN vs proxy vs CASB. This is the topic of this article. So, if you want to know more, then read on.

Secure Web Gateway vs VPN vs Proxy vs CASB

Let us begin with a secure web gateway (SWG). SWG refers to a set of tools and services that provides granular visibility and control over the web traffic passing through the network. The service is transparent to users. 

The most common example of SWG is a web proxy server that intercepts your internet traffic and passes it to your browser. There is a huge difference between a proxy server and SWG. A proxy server is used to make secure connections over the internet. It helps you to surf the web anonymously.

Then, the other one is VPN. VPN stands for a virtual private network. When you connect to a VPN server, you’re given a new IP address and all of your internet traffic is encrypted before it leaves your device. This means that all of your internet activity will be hidden from prying eyes like hackers, ISPs, government agencies, etc.

VPN can be used for a lot of things: 

  • secure connections between offices and branches,
  • remote access to corporate resources for mobile workers, 
  • anonymous torrenting when connected to P2P file-sharing networks

On the other hand, a cloud access security broker (CASB) is a cloud-based service that provides control over cloud services. This is done by enforcing security policies and monitoring activities inside the cloud. The primary function of CASB is to ensure that the cloud services are being used for the right purpose.

CASB does not have any control over the traffic that passes through a secure web gateway or VPN. Then, another difference between these three things is that a secure web gateway and VPN will only work on specific platforms.

This depends on the configuration of your network, browser, operating system, and more. But a CASB works on multiple platforms. So it has greater compatibility than SWG and VPN. 

SWG vs VPN vs Proxy vs CASB: Which One?

So, which one should you choose? Well, there is no stand-alone security. If companies want to ensure the security of their data, then they need to incorporate different security tools and techniques. The different tools should complement each other and make your data more secure.

Thus, if you are using VPN and a secure web gateway, then you can use a CASB too. The best approach is to look for a secure web gateway that offers support for cloud access security brokers.

To be able to employ all these tools, you must start with a good network design. It is always better to employ a layered security approach. This will give you the best security.

Then, it is also important to train your employees and educate them on the potential security threats they are facing every day and how they can protect themselves against these threats. Employees can cause damage to your network if they are not properly trained.


So, that’s all for SWG, VPN, proxy, and CASB. Hope you liked our explanations and examples. Please leave your valuable comments below and share them with your friends too.

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