The Sound Of Secure Web Gateway

Shhhh… Listen! Do You Hear The Sound Of Secure Web Gateway?

The Sound Of Secure Web Gateway! There are many reasons why businesses should invest in a secure web gateway. From increased customer trust to improved employee productivity, these tools provide numerous benefits.

With the rise of the Internet and the growing popularity of mobile devices, web security has become a major concern for businesses. This is especially true now that hackers have begun targeting smartphones and tablets. What steps should you take to ensure your company remains secure?

One of the first things you should do is implement a secure web gateway. These tools provide a number of benefits, including:

Better Performance

One of the biggest complaints about the Internet is that it can be slow. A secure web gateway decreases the amount of time it takes to load websites and download files. This makes the Internet faster and more efficient for employees.

Better Security

A secure web gateway keeps all users safe from viruses and malware. And, if your company deals with sensitive information, this tool helps keep that data out of cybercriminals’ hands. This creates peace of mind for both employees and customers.

Cost Savings

A secure web gateway saves your business money by blocking unauthorized websites and preventing employees from wasting bandwidth. This prevents costly bandwidth overages and helps your business maintain a healthy bottom line.

Why do I need a Secure Web Gateway?

Secure web gateways protect businesses by blocking dangerous web pages and preventing data theft. They also make the Internet faster and more reliable. This makes them a great investment for most companies.

If you’re looking for a way to improve security and performance, a secure web gateway is a smart choice. These tools are affordable, easy to use and provide numerous benefits.

What are the challenges Secure Web Gateway?

Web gateways and firewalls can only filter traffic based on the source, destination and port. This makes it possible for sophisticated criminals to hide their transmissions by fabricating the source, destination or port information on their communications.

For example, an attacker may use a video file as an innocent-looking cover that is actually a malicious communication. If this file is blocked by a firewall or web gateway, the attacker can simply change the port number and try again.

Secure Web Gateway addresses this challenge with a powerful signature-based detection engine that can identify complex attacks using multiple parameters, such as packet size and offset, packet length, packet type etc., to detect malicious communications from within benign data streams.

What Does Secure Web Gateway Offer?

Secure Web Gateway offers comprehensive security features that are easy to configure and manage. These features include:

1* Data Leak Prevention for preventing unauthorized data leakage from within the organization’s network infrastructure.

2* Web Filtering for blocking inappropriate web content from being accessed by employees and customers alike.

3* Malware Protection for preventing the launch of infected files and other malicious threats onto your network.

4* Intrusion Detection System (IDS) for detecting suspected intrusions into your network.

5* Content Inspection for inspecting traffic on your network as well as inspecting email content prior to delivery to prevent spam and other malware attacks.

6* Perimeter Defense Gateways for preventing unauthorized access to your network.

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