Should You Avoid Secure Web Gateway?

Should You Avoid Secure Web Gateway?

Should you avoid secure web gateway? Or should you instead start using this tool today? To help you decide, keep on reading this post.

What Is a Secure Web Gateway?

Let us begin by defining what a secure web gateway (SWG) is. SWG is a web server-based application that sits between a client’s browser and the internet. SWG serves as a security mechanism to protect private networks. As we have sensitive data and applications from malicious online activity. 

Then, it acts as an inbound firewall that uses a web proxy for filtering requests and responses against malicious patterns. As well as web application firewalls for inspecting and filtering web traffic. Also, it uses an outbound firewall for controlling access to the internet. And a web antivirus solution for detecting, preventing, and blocking malware.

Moreover, it uses a web intrusion detection system (IDS) for detecting intrusion attempts. And a spam filter for blocking spam content. Further, a brute force prevention system to block brute force attacks on websites, etc.

SWG is used in large organizations where securing their website is a top priority. Some of the factors which make them popular are that it works well with other security products. Also, it can work on its own as well and it can handle all types of security threats.

Further, it can be integrated with other applications and it has multiple methods of authentication and authorization (single or multiple).

Enterprises don’t want to compromise on their security when it comes to the sensitive data they store or the applications they use. SWG helps them tackle these issues by providing them with secure access to the internet from within their organization.

Should You Avoid Secure Web Gateway?

So, should you avoid SWG? Well, if your company wants to have a secure website then SWG is the way to go. There are multiple benefits of using a secure web gateway that you can’t get with a traditional web server. 

Plus, it allows you to secure your company’s network by allowing only authenticated users to access it. It also helps you protect your website from the various security threats that exist online.

However, there are some cons that you should know about before deciding whether or not to use this tool. For example, the biggest con of using SWG is the maintenance cost. You will have to maintain this tool for ensuring that it is always up and running. Any downtime will be harmful to your business as no one can access your website until the SWG is working again.

Moreover, another con is that it requires technical knowledge to use this tool effectively. You need someone who can configure it in a way that does not affect the performance of your website. And at the same time, it secures your website from all types of cyber threats.

If you want to avoid these cons then you should consider using third-party services.

Final Words

So, in conclusion, if you want to secure your company’s network then you should use a secure web gateway. All the pros of this tool outweigh the cons by far. However, if you are new to this field then you should look for a third-party service provider to get this task done. 

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