Pump up Your Sales With These Remarkable Secure Web Gateway Tactics

Pump up Your Sales With These Remarkable Secure Web Gateway Tactics

Pump up your sales with these remarkable secure web gateway tactics. These tactics will help you with your business in the long run. So, read on.

Pump up Your Sales With These Remarkable Secure Web Gateway Tactics

When using a secure web gateway (SWG), one of the best tactics to improve sales is offering coupons or special deals for your customers. If you want to promote an item, you can make it free for the first hour or day of the sale, as an incentive to attract customers.

Also, if you have limited stock of a particular commodity, you can display a notice saying so on the site, And give people a chance to buy it before it’s gone. You can also try pop-ups that offer special deals and coupons. These pop-ups should have special offers like “one day offer”.

You can also send out emails with special offers and coupons that are time-bound. It will be more effective if you give them a deadline to redeem their coupons.

Another thing you can do is provide free shipping. It works well if your product is bulky and cannot be bought online from other sites. You should not make your customer pay for shipping unless your product is very expensive.

How does this relate to using SWG? Well, all these won’t be possible if your site is not secure. You should take special care to ensure that your site is safe. And you can do so by using a secure web gateway. With an SWG, you can stop hackers from accessing your website and stealing information about your customers and products.

Then, another thing you can do is use a proxy to hide your physical location. You can use this method to avoid being taxed by the government on certain items. Or to keep your competitors from knowing what products or services you are offering. These are some of the most remarkable tactics you can use to improve sales.

Secure Web Gateway Best Practices

What, then, are the best practices when using SWG? Firstly, you need to ensure that you have the latest versions of SWG software. If your SWG is not updated, it may not be able to handle new cyber threats.

Secondly, you should change your passwords twice a year. Hackers can easily crack the password you have set on your SWG. Thirdly, don’t use the same username and password on your web portal as you use on other sites. Because if hackers get hold of these details, they can easily access your portal.

Fourthly, use an SWG that is compatible with the latest version of Java or .NET framework. These frameworks are used by many websites to store crucial data like passwords and credit card details. If you choose an SWG that is not compatible with them, it will become difficult for you to provide services to your customers. 

Final Words

One thing you need to remember is that a secure web gateway is not enough to protect yourself against hacks and cyber-attacks. You should also install good antivirus software to keep a close watch over all suspicious activities in your system. And also, be proactive in protecting yourself from all kinds of attacks online.

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