Three words: Secure web gateway

Three Words: Secure Web Gateway

Three words: secure web gateway. What does this mean? And why do companies need to know more about this tool? Let us know below.

Three Words: Secure Web Gateway

Today, there is a tool that is known as a secure web gateway (SWG). SWG refers to a software-based firewall that acts as a gateway between a company’s internal network and the Internet. It is used to block or allow specific activities or content from the internet to the internal network. 

So, SWG is a tool that is used for web filtering and web caching. When comes to web filtering, involves blocking or allowing URLs based on categories such as adult content, gambling, illegal drugs, and more. Web caching works by storing static websites on its cache memory. This is to reduce the company’s dependence on the Internet Service Provider (ISP). 

This way, when web requests are made by users in the internal network, it is taken care of locally instead of having to go to the ISP and wait for a response.

Moreover, SWG can be installed at the company’s local area network (LAN) or its branch offices over the wide-area network (WAN). The advantage of having this tool installed at the LAN level is that there will be no delay in making web requests. Because of the distance from the ISP. Moreover, bandwidth problems will also not exist. Since it will only be accessed by people within the company.

Further, SWG is closely associated with a web application firewall (WAF). This is because they have similar functions; however, WAF deals with application layer data while SWG handles data at the packet level. The functions of both are quite different but complement each other in providing companies with better security.

Secure Web Gateway Benefits

What, then, are the benefits of using SWG? Firstly, it increases the level of security for companies. Since it blocks known and unknown threats that are related to the internet. It is also a good tool for companies to use when they want to enforce policies that are related to the internet. 

For example, if employees have the use of the internet during their breaks and lunch hours, companies can set rules to control how they can use it. Companies can block access to adult content or gambling sites or even track the websites that employees visit mostly. 

In addition, SWG is also used for web caching. This allows companies to save money in terms of monthly costs that are paid to ISPs. This is because requests made by users in the company will be taken care of locally, This is instead of having it go through the ISP’s server and wait for a response. It saves time, too.

This way, employees will not have to wait long before they get the results they need when they search for something online. Moreover, SWG has a web content filtering feature that allows companies to control what their employees see in terms of content.


As you can see, companies need to know about SWG. Because it is a crucial tool for them to use for security and protection. They should also be updated about the latest trends in this field.

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