Secure Web Gateway Is Crucial to Your Business

Secure Web Gateway Is Crucial to Your Business

A secure web gateway is crucial to your business. Why is this the case? And how can your company get the best out of this tool?

Secure Web Gateway Is Crucial to Your Business

A secure web gateway (SWG) is crucial to your business due to various reasons. Firstly, SWG provides a secure communication channel between internal and external networks. One example of this is in the e-commerce shopping cart checkout page.  

The SWG decrypts the SSL protocol. This is to create a secure tunnel to send the credit card details and content of the shopping cart to the bank’s payment gateway. Without this encryption, any information that is sent over the Internet can potentially be intercepted.

Secondly, SWG restricts access based on user logins and passwords. This helps to prevent unauthorized access to the system. Thirdly, it can also provide a layer of protection against attacks like SQL injection or buffer overflow attacks. These attacks can then be used by hackers to gain access to your databases.

Finally, SWG provides a layer of protection against malicious software or malware that can harm your network from inside or outside. Apart from these reasons, an enterprise firewall may also be used as a substitute for SWG in some cases.

So, your company needs SWG to ensure the safety of its data and systems from hackers. And also other threats that may arise in cyberspace.

Getting the Best of Secure Web Gateway

To get the best secure web gateway, you first need to understand the various products that are available in the market. There are three types of SWG products available. Get to know these three product types, so that you can make the best choice when you go ahead and buy a secure web gateway product for your company.

The first type is a dedicated hardware device. This product is installed at the network gateway and encrypts all the traffic that passes through it. This device can then be used in virtual environments as well.

Next, the second type of SWG is a software-only solution. This product is installed on an existing computer or server as an application and then configured accordingly to provide all the functionality of an SWG. Then, this software-only SWG can be enhanced with hardware like intrusion prevention systems (IPS), load balancers, or SSL accelerators to further enhance its functionality.

Further, the third type of SWG is a hybrid device that has both software and hardware components. Some of these hybrids may have additional features like intrusion prevention, load balancing, or firewalls.  

These three types of SWG products may be installed as a stand-alone solution. They may also be integrated into existing security devices like firewalls and IPSs to provide a layered approach to security.  


So, now you know about these three product types, and you also know how to choose the right product for your business based on your requirements. Now you can go ahead and purchase one for your company to keep it safe and secure in cyberspace!

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