Secure Web Gateway Secrets

Secure Web Gateway Secrets

What are some of the secure web gateway secrets that you need to know? Why are these important? Explore below to know.

Secure Web Gateway Definition

To begin, let us know the secret to how a secure web gateway (SWG) works. It works by accepting connections and relaying them to the backend servers. It also accepts connections from the secure web gateway itself. This is very similar to a proxy server which passes the data through port 80 to the clients.

So how does it secure itself? To secure itself, it disables all input from the clients and only accepts connections from the SWG itself. All requests are passed through a firewall as well as a proxy server. The data is also neutralized before forwarding it through to the backend servers.

This is how a secure web gateway works in general. So what are some of the secrets that you need to know about this gateway?

Secure Web Gateway Secrets

Secret #1: Always use HTTPS

The first secret to a secure web gateway is to always use HTTPS. It is not only used for encrypting data. But it also ensures that there are no man-in-the-middle attacks taking place during communication with the backend servers. So, this means that your encrypted data goes through a trusted channel between you and your server.

Secret #2: Keep track of all changes

The second secret to a secure web gateway is keeping track of all changes in your configuration files and code. The files are changed regularly and you need to monitor these changes every day. So that they can be implemented on your systems immediately if any issues arise or when you require an upgrade on your systems.

Secret #3: Test everything!

The third secret to an SWG is testing everything! You need to test everything that you want to be implemented on your system. So that bugs can be detected during this process before they are implemented on your system and cause more damage. 

Then, you can also find out if there are hidden vulnerabilities in your system if you use automated tools such as vulnerability scanners. These tools can detect any loopholes that may exist when you test your systems frequently using these tools. 

Secret #4: Keep an eye on logs

The fourth secret to SWGs is keeping an eye on logs. You need to monitor your logs every day. So that their performance can be observed regularly and any issues detected can be fixed immediately before they cause any major issues on your system or network. 

Also, if any new rules or configurations are introduced, these logs will help keep an eye on their performance. As well as whether or not it is being implemented as expected.

Secret #5: Deploy a physical firewall

The fifth secret to securing web gateways is deploying a physical firewall. This is not only used for securing your gateway but it can also be used for securing your entire network. Many firewalls are used for both the SWG as well as the network at large. 

So, this means that it is easy to manage and monitor these firewalls. As well as upgrade your systems regularly using these firewalls to ensure the security of your network. 

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