What Are Secure Web Gateways

What Are Secure Web Gateways?

What are secure web gateways? What are its goals? And how can your company benefit from employing this tool? Know below.

What Are Secure Web Gateways?

Secure web gateways or SWGs refer to network devices that filter web content. Such as emails, files, and even applications that are transmitted through the Internet. Although these network devices are also referred to as proxy servers, they differ in terms of functionality and features.

The primary function of SWGs is to ensure that only authorized users within a company can access the Internet. These devices also allow the company to control external access to its networks. Also, it prevents unauthorized access and protects its internal resources from security threats.

Another important function is to protect against denial-of-service attacks, spam, and other harmful malware or viruses. SWGs use firewall features to block unwanted attacks while allowing legitimate transmissions.

Moreover, it can be used as an alternative line of defense against advanced persistent threats or APTs. These attacks involve repeated hacking attempts to gain access to a network or system. And then steal valuable secrets, information, or data. SWGs can help block these types of attacks before they are successful in doing their damage.

Companies need to keep the software running on their SWGs up-to-date all the time. This will help them avoid vulnerabilities in using old software versions that may potentially be exploited by hackers and other cybercriminals.

How Do Secure Web Gateways Work?

Secure web gateways are installed as part of a network security solution. This also includes firewalls, intrusion prevention systems (IPS), and unified threat management devices (UTM). These network security devices work together in ensuring the company’s network is protected at all times.

Then, SWGs operate based on rules that are set by the administrator of the company. One who configures specific policies and restrictions on how the devices should operate. They can block traffic selectively. Such as specific ports, IP addresses, and devices that are not authorized by the company’s IT department. 

Moreover, it can also filter out unwanted email attachments. Such as those containing viruses or malware while allowing legitimate ones to get through with ease. Additionally, SWGs can scan files transmitted through email. Or those downloaded from websites for any form of malicious code before transmitting them to end-users within the company’s network system.

With a great number of Internet users nowadays, companies need to rely on SWGs for their network security needs. This includes protection against cyber attacks and other potential threats that may compromise its business operations.

In doing so, companies ensure that their business is free from any risks that may cause data losses, downtime, and other security breaches. It is also worth noting that these network devices are also known as content filters, proxy servers, or gateway servers. An option that a company can choose from when deciding to purchase one for their network security system.


In conclusion, companies can now rest assured that their business information and resources are safe from potential security threats. So, why not consider using SWG today?

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