More Secure Web Gateway By Doing Less

How To Make a More Secure Web Gateway By Doing Less

More Secure Web Gateway By Doing Less

How secure is your web gateway? If you don’t have a firewall or antivirus software installed on your computer, then you are exposing yourself to potential threats. 

Here are 9 ways how to make a more secure web gateway by doing less.

1. Use a Web Application Firewall (WAF)

Many web servers are attacked by Distributed Denial of Service (DDoS) and SQL injection attacks. A WAF will protect you from these attacks by filtering all your traffic, noting suspicious activity and blocking it if necessary.

2. Use Antivirus Software on Your Web Server

It’s not enough to use antivirus software on your desktop computer, you need to install antivirus software on your webserver to detect and block viruses and malware from infecting your website.

3. Update Your Web Server

Just like your desktop computer, you need to keep it up-to-date to protect against the latest viruses and exploits. You should also ensure that you upgrade any commercial software (such as WordPress) as soon as possible after a new version is released. That way you’ll get any security fixes included in the update.

4. Install a Firewall on Your Web Server

You should install a firewall on your webserver to protect it from malicious traffic such as botnets and port scans coming from the Internet. It’ll also alert you in case of an intrusion attempt so that you can take appropriate action to stop it.

5. Install a Web Application Firewall on Your Web Server

A WAF is specifically designed to protect your web server from attacks such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting (XSS). You can install a WAF on your webserver to protect it from these types of attacks. Here are some of the best WAFs for Linux servers:

6. Harden Your Web Server

Your web server needs to have the most up-to-date software installed and you need to be monitoring for any signs of intrusions or attacks. Harden your web server by installing this software:

7. Use SSL to Encrypt Sensitive Data on Your Website

Whenever you transmit sensitive data such as passwords or credit card information, you need to ensure that it is encrypted using SSL before transmitting it over the Internet. Otherwise, a hacker monitoring your traffic can intercept this data and use it for malicious purposes. Download our free guide on how to secure WordPress here.

8. Disable Unused Services On Your Web Server

Many of the services running on your web server are probably unnecessary for the operations of your website. You should disable any unused services and remove unnecessary software packages in order to reduce the attack surface of your server. Here are some examples:

9. Install a Firewall On Your Router

Although a firewall is an essential device in any office or home network, many people forget about their routers when it comes to security. You should install a firewall on your router so that all traffic coming from the Internet has to go through it first before arriving at your computer or laptop. This will prevent unauthorized access to those devices behind your router.

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