Secure Web Gateway On A Budget

Secure Web Gateway On A Budget: 9 Tips From The Great Depression

How much does it cost to run a secure web gateway on a budget? When the Great Depression hit, the U.S. government was forced to cut back on spending. One area they did not want to cut back on was security. They realized that without proper security, the country would fall into chaos.

Today, businesses are facing similar challenges. As the economy continues to struggle, companies are looking at ways to reduce costs. Unfortunately, cutting back on security means putting their data at risk.

Here are 9 tips from the Great Depression that businesses can use to run a secure web gateway on a budget.

1. Use Free Software

Open-source software is a great tool for running a secure web gateway on a budget. The only cost associated with open source software is maintenance. As a result, you will be able to save money on hardware and software licenses.

2. Use Inexpensive Hardware

IT equipment can get expensive quickly. If you are trying to save money, it is best to avoid unnecessary bells and whistles.

3. Build A Secure Environment In-House

Building an in-house environment is an excellent way to cut costs while staying secure. With in-house solutions, you can make changes as necessary without paying licensing fees or service contracts.

4. Use Best Practices To Design Security Solutions From The Start

When building your security solutions, it is important to follow the basics of IT security design: assume that the system will be compromised and build the environment accordingly.

This strategy will help you stay ahead of attack trends and build more resilient systems that are less likely to fail when attacked.

5. Use Open Source Anti-Virus Software

Most anti-virus solutions cost significant amounts of money for each endpoint protected – per year! In contrast, open-source versions do not require any licensing fees at all and can be used freely for as many endpoints as necessary.

6. Use Industry Standard Protocols For Endpoint Protection And Monitoring

Protocols like SSH, HTTP(S), and SSL are essential tools that allow you to communicate securely with endpoints such as servers, workstations, and mobile devices.

By using industry-standard protocols, you will be able to secure your network without having to pay licensing fees or requiring endpoints to install special software in order to communicate with your web gateway. 

7. Use Open Source Intrusion Detection Software 

Open source IDSs can be used for free and are easy to configure on a Linux server. You can also use IDSs that is preconfigured by other vendors. 

8. Check Out The Competition 

Open-source alternatives give you the ability to compare your security solution against others and make sure that you’re getting the most bang for your buck – even if it comes from a different vendor! 

9. Provide Training On How To Stay Secure

One of the best ways to keep your organization secure is to make sure that all of your employees understand how they can protect themselves.

By distributing information on proper security hygiene, you can help prevent users from doing things that could potentially threaten the integrity of your entire network.

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