Way You Approach Secure Web Gateway

How Things Will Change The Way You Approach Secure Web Gateway

How Secure Web Gateway is changing the way we approach security?

There are several ways to secure websites. One of them is using a secure web gateway (SWG). SWGs are gateways that allow only trusted devices to access sensitive data. They are also known as secure web gateways or SSL VPNs.

There are nine things that will change the way you approach secure web gateway.

These nine things are:

1. A SWG will make your users more productive
2. It allows you to remote-manage your servers
3. Access to SWGs from the Internet will be easier than ever
4. You can make your network bandwidth available for other uses
5. The easiest way to set up a new VPN
6. Easier access to cloud services
7. Faster Remote Desktop Connections
8. More secure remote access to data and applications
9. A lower TCO (total cost of ownership)

An SWG will make your users more productive

It is commonly known that employees are the most important asset of a company. The way they perform determines how well their company performs. This is why it is important to make them as productive as possible.

A VPN allows you to:
In the past, you would have had to install software on their computers and create profiles to manage access to your network. SWGs allow you to:

In today’s highly mobile work environment, access must be available from anywhere and at any time. To make sure your employees are as productive as possible, they must be connected all the time. With an SWG, they can connect from anywhere in the world.

It allows you to remote-manage your servers.

Your servers are an essential part of your business. If they go down or do not perform properly, it can have a negative impact on your business reputation and revenue. With an SWG, you can remotely manage your servers from anywhere in the world by logging into your SWG portal or by connecting with Remote Desktop Connection (RDC).

Access to SWGs from the Internet will be easier than ever before.

Traditionally, users needed client software and a user name and password to access a network through an encrypted connection called an SSL VPN tunnel. With this technology, users need only install a single application on their PC, laptop or smartphone – no additional software will be needed.
Users on a PC, laptop or smartphone without client software installed, will only need to enter a user name and password in order to access the Internet through an encrypted connection called an SSL VPN tunnel. This provides secure remote access without installing any additional software.

You can make your network bandwidth available for other uses.

When employees use the Internet for non-business purposes, like downloading music and videos or playing games, it reduces the bandwidth available for business use. You can now limit the bandwidth available for non-business activity by placing restrictions on computers accessing the Internet through a secure web gateway while allowing unlimited Internet access through a corporate Wi-Fi network.

In this way, you can offer your employees unlimited bandwidth while they are on a corporate Wi-Fi network. This helps reduce bandwidth usage and provides more bandwidth for other business uses.

The easiest way to set up a new VPN connection is by using the SSL

VPN portal by simply entering your user name and password, then click “Connect”. If you are using an iOS device, you can set up an SSL VPN connection in five easy steps:
1. On your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, download and install Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client from Apple’s App Store, free of charge 2. Tap or click the Cisco AnyConnect icon on your home screen 3. Enter your user name and password 4. Tap or click Connect 5. The Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client will now launch and establish the connection

With traditional VPN configurations, you would have needed to install client software on each remote device, create a user name and password for each remote device, configure port forwarding rules in a router or firewall for traditional VPN connections or configure IPsec/IKEv2 connections for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets!

More secure remote access to data and applications

Traditional VPN connections were based on IPsec/IKEv2 which is slower than SSL VPN connections. They also required more configuration, such as port forwarding rules in a router or firewall for traditional VPN connections or IPsec/IKEv2 connections for mobile devices like smartphones and tablets!

With an RDC client, you can get faster remote desktop connections. Also, the RDC client does not require the user to install any additional software and is easier to set up.

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