5 Secure Access Service Edge Topics

5 Secure Access Service Edge Topics

There are 5 secure access service edge topics that are interesting to tackle. Also, these topics will help you more to be engaged in implementing the secure access service edge.

1. Security Alert: HTTPS Not Required

Cloudflare is building a new protocol (BCP-109) that will allow the Internet to operate. Even if the majority of the world’s web servers are unavailable.

So this protocol is intended to replace TLS and HTTPS, which have proven to be too difficult to deploy. Especially on critical infrastructures like DNS and HTTP. 

Cloudflare believes that we can make the web more secure by removing these extra layers of complexity. CloudFlare’s new protocol is called BCP-109 and it has been submitted as a BCP (Best Current Practice) to IETF. 

The proposal was co-authored by Justin Schuh (Google), Dan Wright (NSDI), and Doug Madory (Miklea).

2. New Cloudflare Feature Makes HTTPS Obsolete

How many of you know that you can use CNAME to make your site go faster? But what if we could do this for every single subdomain? 

And not just subdomains, but any kind of hostname we want? And what if we could do it for free? Then you would be able to send all requests off to CloudFlare and let us take care of everything else

We have just rolled out this feature. It’s called CNAME Flattener. 

3. The Great FTP Migration Begins

Cloudflare has made its way into hundreds of thousands of data centers around the world. There are tens of millions of unique visitors that come through our network every day and millions more.

Those who connect to us as part of their content delivery network (CDN). To make our network even better we have decided to migrate all FTP traffic on port 20 down through our network using FTP Streaming (FTPES). 

So this means that all traffic on port 20 will now be protected by CloudFlare’s global security and edge cache infrastructure. Furthermore, this new feature allows us to apply our Stream Delivery technology.

It is from reverse proxy caching down into FTP streaming servers. In addition, this means that you can now use CloudFlare for immediate access to files stored on unencrypted FTP servers.

Without having to worry about security or performance issues. 

4. CloudFlare’s New Feature: CloudFlare + Google AMP

CloudFlare’s new feature allows you to make your website faster with Google AMP. You can choose to use CloudFlare to serve your AMP pages, or you can use the new feature of Cloudflare.

That allows you to serve both regular pages and AMP files. So this feature is available in the Cloudflare Apps Marketplace. 

5. Hackers Use Malware On PC To Hack The Cloudflare DNS Server And Steal Data

Cloudflare has discovered that someone used malware on a customer’s computer. It is to hack the DNS server and steal data from the company’s network. 

On February 4, Cloudflare detected some potentially suspicious activity on its network. It includes two separate attempts to access customer data that did not come from authorized access points. 

The company says it took immediate action by shutting down its network and working with law enforcement. But as a precaution, it emailed customers telling them they should change their passwords.

While the company worked to resolve the issue

So these are the 5 secure access service edge topics.

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