Magic Quadrant For Cloud Access Security Broker PDF

An Overview of Magic Quadrant For Cloud Access Security Broker PDF

What is Magic Quadrant for cloud access security broker PDF? When we say Magic Quadrant is a report from Gartner and PDF is information about cloud access security brokers.

To get a clear understanding, we will tackle it below.

What Does It Mean About Magic Quadrant For Cloud Access Security Broker PDF?

It is a document released by the world’s leading technology research and advisory firm, Gartner. It is a report which provides an in-depth analysis of the companies’ products, and services.

And also technologies related to cloud access security brokers. The report is in PDF or document format and gives valuable information about the market segment, including the:

  • Vendor landscape
  • Market share
  • Challenges

Also, the trends and growth of cloud access security brokers.

Why Is Cloud Access Security Broker Important?

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) is a software solution that can be deployed in an on-premise or cloud environment. It is to monitor application usage and enforce security policies.

CASB represents the next phase of network security to protect data residing on public cloud infrastructure. CASB provides visibility and control over user behaviors on apps hosted in the cloud. 

It is used to protect sensitive data from leakage. It monitors user activity on cloud apps and encrypted sensitive data at rest or in transit. 

Also prevents unauthorized users from accessing sensitive data. So, it protects the organization’s data stored both on-premises and in the cloud.

For example, Cloud App Security provides visibility into user activities on SaaS apps and enforces policies. It is to ensure compliance with security best practices such as encryption at rest.

And also encryption in transit and identifying malicious behavior. In some cases, an organization has to send its sensitive data to third-party vendors or partners.

It is for processing or has outsourced its business processes to these vendors or partners. So it is due to a lack of resources or expertise. 

In those cases, they have to ensure that their confidential information is secure while being processed by these vendors or partners. To meet this requirement, they need this kind of solution.

It can monitor user activities on public cloud applications and protect against unwanted incidents. Such as insider threats, data breaches, etc.

In Additional Information

Cloud App Security solves this problem by offering CASB capabilities for all in-scope cloud applications. Regardless of how they are provisioned including private clouds or public clouds such as:

  • AWS (Amazon Web Services)
  • Microsoft Azure
  • Google Cloud Platform (GCP)
  • etc. 

Without requiring any changes to existing infrastructure or application architecture. It enables businesses to enforce policies based on factors such as:

  • credential types (e.g., Active Directory vs Multi-Factor Authentication)
  • application usage (e.g., app downloads vs file uploads)
  • file type (e.g., Office documents vs photos)
  • etc.

So, users can access only the apps and data they are authorized to use. It also allows organizations to protect data in transit and at rest.

So, what is Magic Quadrant for Cloud Access Security Broker PDF? It is a document released by the world’s leading technology research and advisory firm, Gartner. 

It provides an in-depth analysis of the companies’ products, services, and technologies related to cloud access security brokers.

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