secure web gateway vs waf

Ten Very Common Misconceptions About the Secure Web Gateway vs WAF

How do you secure your web application from hackers? Learn what is Secure Web Gateway vs Waf benefits.

Secure Web Gateway vs WAF

WAF is a Web Application Firewall; Secure Web Gateway is not a firewall. WAF protects from both known and unknown attacks. Secure Web Gateway protects from known attacks only. It can only protect Apache and IIS web applications.

Secure Web Gateway can protect any type of web application, including Java and NET-based web applications. This includes as well as PHP, ASP, Perl, Python, and Ruby on Rails applications. WAF stands for web application firewall; Secure Web Gateway does not stand for anything.

WAF is a hardware appliance that sits in front of your web servers. So, this Secure Web Gateway is software that runs on your existing web servers to protect them from external threats. WAF can protect only TCP traffic.

Secure Web Gateway protects against all types of attacks. This includes non-TCP traffic such as DNS spoofing, SMTP injection, and ARP spoofing attacks. Also, WAF cannot protect against code-injection attacks or SQL injection attacks.

Secure Web Gateway protects against code injection attacks using a detection engine. It can identify and block complex attack signatures such as SQL injection attacks and XSS injections. This is done by analyzing the actual payload of the HTTP request, rather than just the header information.

In addition to protecting against code injection attacks via its detection engine. This Secure Web Gateway also has an advanced protection module called OWASP ModSecurity Core Rule Set (CRS). It provides excellent protection against code injection and SQL injection attacks.

Thus, it allows you to use ModSecurity rules in your Apache or IIS configuration file to block them before they even happen.

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB)

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) is a new type of product that has been developed to address the changing security needs of cloud computing. Also, Cloud computing is a type of Internet-based computing that provides shared resources. This includes software and information to customers over the Internet.

But as more companies adopt other types of cloud services, such as IaaS and PaaS. Also, new generations of CASBs are being developed that are built to address these new types of services as well.

CASB vs Web Application Firewall

A web application firewall (WAF) is a software solution that sits on your web servers in front of your web applications. Also, intercepts all HTTP requests to your applications for analysis. If threats are found in the requests, the WAF blocks them so that they never reach your application.

Thereby protecting it from hackers. A WAF is also considered a type of intrusion detection system (IDS). CASB products sit between your company’s users and your company’s cloud provider’s network. Thus, it provides security services for all traffic between them.

In addition to acting as an IDS, some CASBs also has reporting capabilities that allow you to generate reports on your use of cloud services. This allows you to track usage levels against specified licenses.

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