data protection data privacy quotes

Most Common Data Protection Data Privacy Quotes

What are the most common data protection data privacy quotes? As individuals, we have very little say about how our data is being used. You can’t talk about big data without talking about things. In this article, we will know different opinions about data protection. So, read more.

Most Common Data Protection Data Privacy Quotes

“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”

This quote from Edmund Burke is a reminder that the need for data protection is never direr than in times of crisis.

As individuals, we have very little say about how our data is being used. Our lives are through the lens of data, from the moment we wake up to the moment we go to sleep, and everything in between.

‘A nation that destroys its soil destroys itself.’

This quote from Franklin Delano Roosevelt is a reminder of the importance of protecting our most valuable natural resource: land. Our food supply, critical infrastructure, and overall quality of life depend on us protecting this valuable resource.

‘I don’t want to live in a world where everything I do and say is recorded. That is not something I am willing to support or live under’ Edward Snowden.

This quote from Edward Snowden is a reminder that when we are not aware of the details, we cannot make informed decisions. If we do not know what is happening to our data, then it’s not “by the people and for the people”.

Data Protection and Privacy: A Consumer Perspective

The relationship between data protection and privacy is complex. Privacy is very often assumed to be a subset of data protection, but this is not accurate. 

While it is true that the primary goal of data protection laws is to protect data subjects, it is also true that individuals can have their privacy violated without their data being protected. 

For example, a company could leak customers‘ names and social security numbers without complying with the GDPR’s security requirements. In this case, the data of the individuals are not protected, but their privacy is still violated.

Two Concepts

The relationship between privacy and data protection is far from clear-cut, but it is clear that the two concepts are not interchangeable. Privacy has broader connotations than data protection and can be as follows: 

The collection of data about an individual is personal information. It is a broad term, used to describe any data about a person that can be to identify that individual. 

Personal Data

Personal information is usually stored in databases, where it can be by various people within a company or organization. Also, personal information can be in relatively insecure locations, like hard drives and other devices. 

Because of the nature of this information, it must be protected. Personal information includes a variety of data, including but not limited to: 


From the above discussion, we can conclude that big data and data privacy are two separate topics. Both are important and have their benefits. 

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