How Much Does A Network Security Specialist Make

5 Solid Reasons To Know How Much Does A Network Security Specialist Make

How Much Does A Network Security Specialist Make? Is it enough to live off of?

Network security specialists (NSS) are professionals who specialize in protecting computer networks from malicious attacks. They ensure that computers connected to the Internet remain safe from viruses, hackers, and other threats.

According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), NSS’s expect to see a growth rate of 8% between 2014-and 2024, which is much higher than the average rate of growth for all occupations. The median annual wage of a network security specialist was $90,440 in May 2015.

What exactly do network security specialists do?

Network security specialists are responsible for ensuring that the network they are responsible for remains safe from attacks. They do this by maintaining the security measures in place, updating software and hardware, and managing third-party vendors that provide additional services for their organization.

Network security specialists must be able to quickly assess any potential threats in order to identify vulnerabilities and prevent intrusions from occurring.

What kind of education will I need?

According to the BLS, “some employers may prefer candidates with a bachelor’s or master’s degree in computer science or information systems; however, an associate’s degree in information technology or computer science may be sufficient for less technical positions.”

Do I need any certifications?

Yes! While there is no government certification specific to network security specialists. We recommended that you pursue certifications offered by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Also, like the CompTIA Security and Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP).

How can I get a job as a network security specialist?

Network security specialists should have some experience using computers before entering this career. There will be training on how to use new technologies. As they are to introduce within your company/organization. Networking certifications are an excellent way to show potential employers. Especially, that you have the skills necessary for this position and can help get you in faster.

How much does it cost to become a network security specialist?

The costs vary depending on what type of education you pursue. In general, you will spend at least $15,000-$20,000 on schooling before receiving your first paycheck as a network security specialist.

This doesn’t include any costs associated with ongoing certifications (I recommend pursuing CompTIA Security+ and Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) certifications). As with most, IT careers there is no shortage of online courses being offered either which can help cut down on costs.

How do I get a raise as a network security specialist?

Network security specialists are typically promoted into this position after working in a lower-level IT job such as a help desk technician. If you want to get promoted you can look for IT certifications to help get your foot in the door. Network+ and CCNA are two of the most popular certifications. You can also look for certificates from online training companies like Udemy and Coursera.

Any other advice?

Network security specialists are a key part of any company or organization’s security infrastructure. If you have any interest in the field I highly recommend pursuing a career in this field. Even if you don’t like it, you will have valuable experience that can pay off in other fields such as cyber security or network administration.

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