Network Security Question Paper

Apply These 7 Techniques To Improve Network Security Question Paper

Network Security Question Paper. How secure is your network? Are you sure your data is safe from hackers? If you answered yes, then you might want to read this article. In this post, I’ll show you seven techniques that can improve network security.

Apply These 7 Techniques To Improve Network Security Question Paper

Many companies use their network for all kinds of activities, from business to leisure. The network and the information it contains are therefore of great value to the company. This is why it is important to address potential security risks.

Here are seven techniques that can help improve network security:

1. Limit the amount of information you put online

The more data you put online, the greater chance there is of your data falling into the hands of a hacker. And used for malicious purposes. Try to limit the amount of information you place on websites by restricting the number of personal details you share.

Look up websites that will allow you to store personal details in an encrypted format so that if hackers break into your account, they will not be able to access this data. Reduce the amount of personal data you put on social media

2. Use strong passwords 

Use strong passwords consisting of eight or more characters with at least one number and one capital letter so that it is difficult for hackers to guess them when trying brute force attacks on your account. 

3. Check your public IP address regularly

Keep an eye on your public IP address to make sure it is not being used by a hacker to access your account. You can do this by using the free website IP Tracker. If an IP address that you do not recognize is being used, then change all your passwords as soon as possible.

4. Create backup copies of important data

Make backups of all the data that you do not want to lose in case your hard drive crashes or you get hacked and have to start over from scratch. There are many services available for creating backups, such as Backblaze and Carbonite, which will allow you to create bootable copies of everything on your hard drive for a reasonable price.

5. Use a good antivirus program

Make sure you use a reliable antivirus program such as Avast!, Norton AntiVirus or Kaspersky AntiVirus so that you can protect yourself from viruses and other types of malware that could be used by hackers to gain unauthorized access to your data.

It is also a good idea to set up automatic updates so that whenever there is a new version of the software available, it will be automatically downloaded and installed without any user interaction required. 

6. Encrypt all traffic

If possible, encrypt all the traffic coming from and going to your computer using a good VPN service such as ExpressVPN or NordVPN. This way even if someone breaches into one of your online accounts and steals information from there, they will not be able to see what sites you visit online or what kind of information you send out over the Internet 

7. Untangle your network

If possible, untangle your network to make sure there is no unnecessary overlapping. This way, even if one part of your network is compromised, hackers will not be able to access the rest of it as easily. Similarly, do not use the same email account for work and leisure.

Since in case hackers break into your account and steal your password, they will be able to access both accounts at once and take advantage of this. It is therefore recommended that you create two different accounts (one for business and one for personal) with separate passwords.

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