symantec cloud access security broker

Best Symantec Cloud Access Security Broker Tips 

Symantec Cloud Access Security Broker. CASB is a great tool for companies looking to improve employee productivity and reduce costs. 

This article explains why a CASB is so important in today’s business climate, and how it helps in the transition from legacy IT controls to cloud security.

What is Cloud Access Security Broker?

Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), also known as Cloud-Based Credential Theft Protection, is a technology solution that protects enterprise data from theft. Especially, by employees who use cloud applications and services. CASBs work by enforcing access policies on all cloud accounts of the employee. In order to prevent data leaks through unmanaged cloud activities. The solution monitors and enforces compliance for the most popular applications including Office 365, Google Apps, Salesforce and more.

Moreover, Cloud security awareness is a necessary step for all businesses to protect themselves from cyberattacks. This article will show you how to educate employees and improve your security posture.

Learn about user behavior analytics

User behavior analytics (UBA) is a method of detecting user activity within a network. This will show you how to use UBA to protect your network and employees.

Cybersecurity has become a top priority for all businesses, and cloud security is no exception. So, learning how cloud security can help protect your data and stack up against these common threats.

The Internet of Things (IoT) is growing at an alarming rate, with millions of items now connected to the web. The key to keeping this technology safe is to secure it from the start.

This document outlines the steps companies should take to protect themselves from advanced attacks.

Make your own path

CASB works smoothly with your existing security stack. As a result, you can include data loss prevention, Secure Web Gateway, endpoint protection, and other features straight into your existing hub. Further, gaining all of the advantages without causing any disturbance. Also, encrypt data, consolidate management, and more.

Protection on a grand scale

Protect your accounts against cybercriminals. CASB swiftly verifies governance and policy rules across thousands of apps. Further, data categorization that is automated can assist prevent data loss. In addition, behavior analytics data might alert you to the dangers posed by dangerous insiders.

Visibility and information

Symantec Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) provides visibility and information. Hence, help you stay secure in the public cloud. It lets you do the following through a succession of automatic warnings and policy replies, as well as robust app and data security:

Manage cloud data effectively.
Ensure that everyone is following the rules.
Keep an eye out for any hazards.

How Do Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASBs) Keep the Cloud Safe?

Many of the security capabilities given by CASBs are not found in other security controls. Such as web/enterprise application firewalls and secure web gateways, and may include antivirus software. These characteristics can include:

Detection of malware
Encryption and key management are two important aspects of data security.
Preventing data loss.
Risk assessment and cloud management

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