Data Protection and Confidentiality in Research

Data Protection and Confidentiality in Research

Data protection and confidentiality in research are vital to consider. What does this mean for research? Let us know more below.

Data Protection and Confidentiality in Research

In doing research, it is crucial to consider how to protect data and maintain confidentiality. Different rules apply for different types of data, some personal, some sensitive, and some both. What does this mean for research?

Well, when conducting research, data must be kept safe and secure. There are also rules for how this data can be used and distributed. First, it is important to understand what personal data is, who owns it, how it is collected and stored, and how it can be used. Personal data is the information that can identify a person directly or indirectly. 

Also, personal data is sensitive if it relates to issues such as someone’s race, political opinions, religion, or health. Sensitive personal data could include genetic information, sexual orientation, or criminal conviction records.

Data Protection is the legal framework that protects people’s rights to privacy when their data is processed. So, It is important to avoid collecting sensitive personal information without the consent of the individual concerned. Even if it isn’t relevant to your study. Or if you can’t justify using it in your research project because of its sensitivity. 

But if you do collect sensitive personal information without consent you will have breached the terms of the Data Protection Act 1998/2018. Your study may also not meet the ethical criteria for research. While it is not a criminal offense to collect sensitive personal information, you could still face prosecution under the Act. 

So, to avoid this, you must:

  • Clearly explain why you are collecting sensitive personal data.
  • Give people the opportunity to refuse to take part in your study if they don’t want their sensitive personal data collected.
  • Make sure that your researcher has demonstrated that the benefits of collecting and using sensitive personal information outweigh any potential disadvantages.

Data Protection and Confidentiality in Research: Why?

Why, then, is it important to ensure data protection and confidentiality in research? Participants participating in research projects should be informed about how their data will be used and how it will be stored.

Moreover, participants should also agree to these terms by signing a consent form before they take part. It is important not to include any information that could identify the participant. This means that you should avoid using names, addresses, or telephone numbers. This means that you must also keep personal data safe and secure at all times, taking measures to protect it from unauthorized access.

Then, if it has been subject to a data breach, this means that someone has intentionally or accidentally taken or viewed the information. You must report a data breach within 72 hours if it involves sensitive personal data. If you don’t and there is a high risk of serious harm, you could face prosecution under the Data Protection Act 1998/2018.


So, check the terms of your funding body to find out whether there are any special rules about handling sensitive personal data. If your research involves sensitive personal information then try to get written consent for your study from those taking part.

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