What Is Network Security and Why Is It Important

What Is Network Security and Why Is It Important?

What is a network security and why is it important? Also, why do companies today need to have robust network security? Find out below.

What Is Network Security and Why Is It Important?

Network security refers to measures taken to protect computer networks from being disrupted or compromised. May it be by unauthorized access, modification, or destruction. Nowadays, almost every company uses computers and networks to store data, transfer data, and send information to various places. 

With the use of computers in companies, network security becomes very important. Without these measures in place, it will be easy for hackers to disrupt or steal the confidential information of a company. And then use it for their purposes. 

Further, this can cause a lot of problems for companies. Because they might lose control over their information and eventually end up losing their clients.

Then, the main goals of this security are to prevent unauthorized access, identify intruders, and monitor the activity of computer systems remotely. 

Also, to ensure that all the data and information stored on them is safe and confidential. Because confidential information can be used by hackers for their purposes. Also, this can give them a competitive edge over other companies in their industries. 

What Are the Common Types of Network Security?

Network security can be divided into two main categories: physical and logical. Physical security refers to all the physical measures that are used to protect a network from threats. Such as people and objects that may harm the network devices physically or destroy the network infrastructure. 

On the other hand, Logical security refers to the use of software solutions that help protect a company’s information from threats. Such as hackers stealing sensitive information or infecting their systems with viruses.

Then, this kind of security usually involves installing firewalls and antivirus solutions on all devices. So that hackers won’t be able to access them remotely from outside the network.

Most Common Types of Network Attacks

Network attacks can be divided into two main categories too: internal attacks and external attacks. Internal attacks usually involve hackers who are already inside the network attempting to access confidential information. This is either through computer networks or through telephone systems. 

Then, external attacks usually involve hackers from outside the network attempting to attack computer systems remotely. This may be via telephone lines or the internet.

For example, companies using Windows operating systems are more vulnerable to external attacks. This is because Windows operating systems are usually the target of most hackers.

Also, there are different types of network attacks. Such as Denial-of-service attacks, Man-in-the-middle attacks, Social engineering attacks, and many others. Thus, making it crucial to have robust network security in place.

Final Words

As you can see, network security refers to measures taken to protect computer networks from being disrupted or compromised. it is very important for companies today to have robust network security in place. Because if they don’t, it could cost them a lot of money in the future. Given that their information and data will be misused by others.

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