Security Network Meaning

Security Network Meaning

In this article, we will talk about the security network meaning. Also, we will discuss its purpose and importance. So, explore below.

Security Network Meaning

A security network means a computer network that is used for providing security to computer systems. If a system is connected to the security network, it can communicate with other systems using the same network.

Network Security Services (NSS) provides security capabilities for secure communication over a computer network. Then, it accomplishes this by providing the Network Security Service Application Programming Interface (API). 

The security network is very important because it ensures the safety of data being transmitted over the network. It prevents unauthorized access to data, as well as protects against corruption and also accidental loss of data.

Then, there are four basic types of security networks:

  • Intranet. An intranet is a private network that uses Internet technologies to link computers within an organization or company. This provides access to internal web servers and other internal web-based applications from within the organization’s firewall. While restricting access from external entities such as hackers.\
  • Extranet. An extranet is a private network that uses Internet technologies to link a company’s business partners. Similar to an intranet, an extranet gives authorized external users access to the company’s resources. All while isolating them from internal resources that may contain sensitive information.  
  • Internet. The Internet is an open type of internetwork, interconnecting various networks around the world. It facilitates global communication between individuals and organizations. As well as device-to-device communication across the world.  
  • DMZ. A demilitarized zone (DMZ) is a shared area between two networks where traffic from one network can pass into another. All without being fully routed through the second network such a workstation on one network can connect to another workstation on another network. This is by passing through the DMZ without being fully routed through the other network’s gateway server first.

Security Network Implementation

How, then, can you implement this? Well, you first need to find out what kind of network you are working with. If it is an intranet or Internet, then you can choose from the following:

  • Stateful packet inspection (SPI). In this method, the packets of data being transmitted are inspected for certain characteristics. This will ensure that only authorized users are accessing the network. If an unauthorized user tries to access the network, then packets will be dropped, and a log entry is made. Then, this blog entry will be sent to a monitoring system which will notify an administrator that an unauthorized access attempt has occurred.
  • Security policy enforcement points. This method provides security on each layer of the OSI model. So, all required security measures are enforced by security policy enforcement points on each layer of the OSI model.
  • network-based intrusion detection system (NIDS). This method inspects all data packets for any unusual activity done by hackers. And also any intrusions were done by hackers.


As you can see, it is very important to have a secure network. This is because it provides security to the network. It prevents unauthorized access to data, as well as protects against corruption and also accidental loss of data.

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