Zero Trust Security PDF

Zero Trust Security PDF

Does your company have a zero trust security PDF written for your employees and higher-ups? If not, then this article will help you know why and how to make one.

Zero Trust Security PDF

A zero trust security PDF is a document that is written to educate employees on the dangers of social engineering and phishing attacks. It should have a very clear message that explains why these attacks are dangerous and how employees can protect themselves from them.

But this should do more than just list the types of attacks, it should explain how attackers find their victims and how their victims fall for the attacks. At the very least, the document should outline why attackers do it, who they are trying to attack, and what they are trying to accomplish.

Then, the goal of this document is to make employees aware of what can happen when they give out information through various systems. It should clearly state that giving information about themselves or their company to a stranger over email or phone is a bad idea.

Further, this document should also show employees how they can protect themselves from these kinds of attacks. An example is an employee knowing not to give sensitive information out over email or phone. Rather, choose to only speak with internal people whenever possible.

Moreover, another suggestion would be for an organization to place posters and signs throughout their building. One shows the risks associated with social engineering and phishing. And then let employees know that they can access this zero trust security PDF at any time by visiting a website on their network.

What to Include in a Zero Trust Security PDF?

What, then, should you include in making this kind of file? Firstly, you will need to have a clear message of why phishing and social engineering are dangerous. Then, you should focus on how attackers find their victims.

For example, attackers will use our curiosity against us. They will send emails or text messages that tempt us with information that we are wondering about. We then give out our information over the phone or by email. And then the attacker takes it from there.

You should also include how employees can protect themselves from this kind of attack. For example, they should never give out their social security number over the phone or email. And they should never click on links inside emails that they are not expecting.

Also, you can go into greater detail if you’d like to. You could explain that an attacker might send an email disguised as a receipt for a new bill for the employee’s internet service or cable service. This email would likely have a link to click that takes employees to a look-a-like website where they enter their account’s username and password.


So, if you are interested in writing a zero trust security PDF for your employees, then I would suggest you start by asking them what they think about this idea. Then you could write something consistent with their feedback. Otherwise, you can start with the above outline and add to it what you think is important.

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