Network Security Uses

9 Surprisingly Effective Ways To Network Security Uses

Network Security Uses. The threat of cybercrime has become a major concern for companies around the globe. In fact, according to Gartner, the number of data breaches increased. 

Cyber security is no longer a luxury. Companies must invest in their networks to ensure they remain secure. Here are 9 surprisingly effective ways to use networking security.

1. Use UTM (Unified Threat Management)

UTM is a software that combines anti-virus, anti-spyware, firewall and URL filtering in a single package. Further, UTM software can protect your business from the most common types of attacks.

UTM software is designed to protect against multiple security threats. Staying safe from malicious content, hackers and viruses are made easier with this type of software.

2. Buy Accounting Software That’s Completely Secure

If you run a business where client information is required, investing in accounting software that’s completely secure is a must. The last thing you want to do is to put your client’s information at risk.

3. Use Cloud Storage Services

Cloud storage services are quick and easy to use, and they do not require you to purchase expensive hardware or software. They are also more convenient since you can access your files from anywhere with an internet connection instead of maintaining your own hardware.

Cloud storage services are more secure than hard drives since they have complex encryption protocols that make it difficult for attackers to get hold of sensitive information.

4. Use Password Management Software

Passwords are the most common way we log into computers and websites around the world today but this is also the weakest link in security systems because passwords can be easily cracked using brute force methods or even less sophisticated approaches such as phishing attacks.

Password management software will generate strong passwords for you, store them securely and even automatically log you into sites when required, eliminating the need for you to memorize long strings of characters or to carry around sticky notes with passwords written on them!

5. Use A Virtual Private Network (VPN)

To Secure Your Network Traffic
VPNs are a popular method for securing your network traffic when accessing the internet via public networks, i.e., networks that are unsecured such as free Wi-Fi available in cafes, airports, hotels and other public places.

A VPN creates what’s known as a “tunnel” between two endpoints, which makes it appear as if all network traffic is going through one point – making it impossible for hackers to tell what data they’re actually stealing and whether it’s sensitive data or not (for example financial data). This makes it virtually impossible for hackers to steal your data! 

6. Lock Down Your Wi-Fi Connection

Many people don’t realize how insecure their Wi-Fi connection is. This is because most of us don’t bother to change default settings, and even if we did, we would not know how to do it properly. By using a Wi-Fi analyzer, you can see exactly what Wi-Fi is broadcasting in your area, including the type of security it uses.

If you have a weak Wi-Fi signal, hackers could tap into your network and take control of your system. You may want to consider changing your default password to something complex and unique or even disabling the wireless feature altogether. 

7. Use A Firewall To Keep Hackers At Bay

You should also make sure you have a firewall installed on your computer or server. The firewall will protect your computer’s data when it connects to the Internet. Hackers may try to access vulnerable computers via open ports, which they can use to steal sensitive information or even take over your computer. Some firewalls will protect against viruses as well; however, this is not always the case. 

8. Use A Network Scanner

A network scanner will scan your entire network for any weak points that may exist in its security structure. Network scanners are vital for checking that each node on your network is secure and running without flaws; if there is a problem with one device then it could lead to a massive breach of data at some point in the future.

Network scanners are often used by businesses for completing internal audits; however, they are also available for home users who want to test their home network for vulnerabilities that may exist. 

9. Use A VPN To Secure Your Mobile Devices

People often forget that mobile devices such as tablets and smartphones are just as susceptible to hacking attempts as computers are – in fact, they’re probably even more at risk!

That’s why it’s so important to use a VPN if you connect your tablet or smartphone to public networks such as free WiFi hotspots or even “tethered” but unsecured mobile data connections such as those offered by hotels, universities and coffee shops while traveling around the world.

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