Network Security Basics

7 Effective Ways To Get More Out Of Network Security Basics

Network Security Basics are critical to protecting your company from hackers. If you don’t take steps to secure your network, you risk exposing sensitive information and putting your employees at risk.

Here are 7 effective ways to get more out of your basic network security basics.

1. Implement a Firewall

A firewall is a device or software program that monitors, filters and controls the flow of data between computers or networks. Also, a firewall can be on a single computer. Or it can be up for two-way communication between two networks. Further, they provide an extra layer of security for your network by controlling which information can enter or leave your network.

2. Install an Antivirus Program

Antivirus software scans incoming and outgoing network traffic for malicious code. It also prevents malicious code from entering your network and infecting your computers.

3. Disable Unused Ports

To keep hackers from gaining access to your system, disable any ports that you do not use. This will help prevent intruders from using those ports to gain access to your system.

4. Use Strong Passwords

Passwords are the first line of defense against intruders who want access to your network. To keep hackers out, make sure you use strong passwords that they can’t easily crack by a brute force attack. Use at least 12 characters with numbers, upper and lower case letters, and symbols like &, ! $, etc., if possible.

If you have difficulty remembering strong passwords it may be helpful to use a password manager program to store them securely on your computer so you only need to remember one master password. You should also use different passwords for each account. So if one is at risk it won’t expose the rest of your accounts as well. 

5. Use Antispyware Software

Anti Spyware is software that helps protect your computer from spyware. Spyware is a program used by hackers to gain access to your data and personal information on your computer. It can track your keystrokes and report back what websites you visit, what information you enter and what programs you run on your system.

It can also be used to capture personal information like credit card numbers through phishing attacks. Anti Spyware software can prevent spyware from infecting your system and stealing sensitive information.

6. Keep Your Files And Software Current

Hackers often use old security flaws in outdated versions of software as entry points into networks. You should always keep all of the software on your system up-to-date so that any security holes in them can be fixed with patches and updates. This will help prevent hackers from using those holes to gain access to your system.

7. Use A Virtual Private Network (VPN) Connection

A VPN is a private network that uses encrypted tunnels to send data securely over the internet between two computers or networks connected together through public networks like the internet, telephone lines, etc., A VPN can be used for remote access, data encryption and secure communication between two users over the internet. 


The best network security solutions are simple, easy to implement and easy to manage. They don’t require a lot of time or money to put in place and they don’t require a lot of training or technical knowledge to manage them. You want to make sure that you can implement them quickly before a hacker is able to gain access! 

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