Network Security Lab Manual

6 Super Useful Tips To Improve Network Security Lab Manual

Network Security Lab Manual. The number of cyberattacks has increased dramatically over the last decade. In 2016 alone, there were 2.8 million data breaches reported worldwide. And according to the Ponemon Institute, the average cost of a data breach was $3.92 million.

To prevent these attacks from happening, companies must implement security measures.

Here are six ways to improve network security lab manuals.

Encrypt all data in transit

The first step to improving network security lab manuals is to encrypt all data in transit. This means that every time a user sends an email or transfers files, it’s encrypted end-to-end. This ensures that, even if a hacker were to intercept the data, they couldn’t read it.

Encrypt all data at rest

The second step is to encrypt all data at rest. This means that every time a user saves a file on the network, you must encrypt first. This ensures that should a hacker break into the network, they won’t be able to access the data.

Smart cards and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure)

Smart cards and PKI (Public Key Infrastructure) are two ways of authenticating users and devices. Further, Smart cards are physical cards that contain an embedded chip with a cryptographic key on them. They are more secure than traditional passwords because they cannot steal them like usernames and passwords can be. PKI uses digital certificates to verify users’ identities.

To implement smart card authentication, you must have a token generator and smart card reader in your internal network and at any public entry points. To implement PKI authentication, you must have digital certificates installed on all servers and workstations in your internal network as well as on all public entry points.

If an attacker is able to bypass your login screen, they can gain access to the network without having to crack any passwords or bypass any other security measures. Therefore, one way to improve network security lab manuals is by configuring your login screen so that it locks after a certain period of inactivity.

Implementing two-factor authentication (2FA)

Another way to improve network security lab manuals is by implementing two-factor authentication (2FA). 2FA requires not only a username and password but also another form of authentication – usually, a PIN number or code sent via text message or email – before granting access to the user’s account.

To implement 2FA, you must first decide what method you want users to authenticate with: either something they know (like a PIN) or something they have (like their phone). Next, you should create an application for this method in your directory service (for example, an app for smartphones). Then you should configure your directory service so that authentication requests require this application as well as the username and password of the user trying to log in.

Use firewalls

A firewall is software or hardware that separates two networks with different security requirements from each other but allows specific traffic through if it matches the set of rules. The only traffic that should be is to pass through a firewall is specific ports, protocols, and IP addresses.

Implementing multifactor authentication (MFA)

The last way to improve network security lab manuals is by implementing multifactor authentication (MFA). MFA requires the user to authenticate using more than one factor. One example of MFA is a hardware key fob, which grants access to a building only when you are within a certain range of the door.

Another example of MFA is a USB token with an embedded chip. The USB token can be configured as a smart card, but it also functions as two-factor authentication because it requires both possession and knowledge to authenticate.

 Once a user has plugged in the USB token and typed their PIN, the only way to authenticate is to know their PIN. If a hacker steals a user’s USB token, they cannot use it unless they also have the PIN associated with it.

If you want to make your security lab manual more comprehensive, you can implement these six measures. You’ll be surprised by how much of a difference they make.

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