Get More Out Of Network Security Devices

6 Effective Ways To Get More Out Of Network Security Devices

Get More Out Of Network Security Devices!

How often do you hear about network security devices? They seem to pop up everywhere these days. Are they really worth investing in?

Network security devices (NSDs), are electronic equipment designs to monitor and control computer networks. These devices are usually at the edge of the network. Further, to detect threats and block them before they reach the core of the network.

There are several ways to get more out of NSDs. For example, you can configure them to automatically scan for malware or change their settings to prevent unauthorized access. In addition, you can also use them to create a secure perimeter around your network.

Here are some effective ways for you to get more out of network security devices:

1. Configure NSDs to automatically scan for malware

Remember that NSDs are one of the best ways you can use to keep malware off your network. However, they don’t do much good if you have them turned off or set to scan at a frequency that is too slow.

In order to reinforce your network’s security, it’s best if you configure your NSDs to perform automatic scans on all incoming and outgoing traffic. You can set them up to detect malware in your storage, memory and even applications. It’s also important for you to change their settings on a regular basis. So that they can be better for future cyber attacks.

2. Create a secure perimeter around your network

Most NSDs don’t come with an internal firewall, so it’s best if you create a secure perimeter around your network by using an external firewall.

If you do decide to go down this route, you need to configure the external firewall so that it only allows traffic in from one source. This way, any other traffic that is unsafe will be blocked immediately as soon as it enters the firewall. This will prevent any unauthorized access or attacks from entering your network and potentially disrupting your operations or damaging your data.

3. Use NSAs to block all illegitimate traffic

NSAs (Network-based Security Appliances) are another type of network security device that has become popular in recent years. They were originally designed mainly for antivirus protection, but they are now also used for intrusion detection and prevention systems purposes as well.

You can use NSAs in order to determine which devices are trying to connect with your network and whether or not they should be allowed access based on the settings you have configured. For example, if you block all illegitimate traffic, then no one else will be able to gain access without first being approved by the NSA device first. This way, only authorized users will be able to access your network and sensitive information stored on it. 

4. Encrypt sensitive data before storing it

You’ve probably already heard of encryption and know roughly how it works. However, did you know that it is possible for hackers and cybercriminals to decrypt data? If they happen to find out your encryption key, then they can easily decrypt the data and use it against you.

In order to avoid this from happening, you need to encrypt sensitive data before storing it. In fact, you should also consider encrypting both your data and your backup files so that you don’t panic if things go wrong.

5. Implement a multi-layered security solution

When it comes to cybersecurity, you need to think of it as an ever-changing and evolving system. This means that you must always be on the lookout for new threats and vulnerabilities. If you don’t, then you are likely to miss something and end up having your sensitive data stolen by a hacker.

Instead of taking a one-size-fits-all approach, it is best if you implement a multi-layered security solution. This way, if one layer fails then the other can pick up the slack and keep the unwanted traffic out of your network.

6. Deploy NSDs at strategic locations

Not all NSDs are designed equally, so make sure that you deploy them at strategic locations in your network so that they can do their job well without disrupting the flow of traffic too much.


Getting more out of your network security devices doesn’t have to be that difficult. Take a look at the tips above for some easy ways for you to improve their overall effectiveness and get the most out of them.

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