5 Ways Secure Web Gateway Will Help You Get More Business

4 Ways Secure Web Gateway Will Help You Get More Business

Did you know that there are 4 ways secure web gateway will help you get more business? If not, then this post can help you get to know them.

4 Ways Secure Web Gateway Will Help You Get More Business

Enforce Company Policies

First off, companies that are struggling with security and compliance issues will greatly benefit from a secure web gateway (SWG). Enforcing all the company policies will not only make the company more secure and compliant. But also help employees to take security more seriously.

Some of the most common policies you’ll find on web gateways are: 

  • password length, 
  • password history, 
  • lockout threshold, 
  • account invalid login attempts.

Also, you can enforce some custom policies that can be set per user/group. By enforcing strong password policies, you will reduce the number of accounts with weak passwords. Also, by enforcing lockout thresholds you will reduce brute-force attacks and susceptibility to DDoS attacks.

Finally, if an employee tries to log in to a different machine than the one where he usually logs in from, then he will have to reset his password with his email address. This way you can make sure that users can only access their accounts. 

Limit Access By Device Type

The second reason why you should use a secure web gateway is that it allows you to limit access by device type. This means that if you want to allow employees access to your network only from your company’s PCs or laptops, then this feature would be useful for you.

Not only can you restrict access by device type but also by endpoint types such as printers or external drives (USB). This way users won’t be able to copy any data from your network or print anything without your permission. Also, it would help prevent data loss and unauthorized data leakage.

Moreover, if an employee tries to connect with an unauthorized device (like an iPad), then it will prevent him from accessing anything at all on your network.

Protect Against Email Threats

The fourth reason why you should use a secure web gateway is that it can help protect against email threats. This is possible because it can block spam, phishing, and malicious URLs in your incoming emails. So, if an employee tries to open such an email then he will be automatically redirected to a warning page.

Moreover, you can also configure it to forward any suspicious emails to a predefined address. Then, if someone from your company tries to open an email containing a virus or malware it will be blocked by the gateway and the IT team will know about it immediately.

Improves Security By Blocking Malicious URLs

The fifth reason why you should use a secure web gateway is that it can help improve security by blocking malicious URLs. This means that if an employee tries to visit any website which contains a virus or malware then he won’t be able to access that site at all.

So, this way all the employees will be protected from visiting malicious or illegal websites. And also, that they won’t download any harmful software from those sites either. Also, they won’t be able to download any data without your permission.

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