4 Incredible Secure Access Service Edge Transformations

4 Incredible Secure Access Service Edge Transformations

What are the 4 incredible secure access service edge transformations? SASE is a new cloud-based security solution that helps organizations transform their data center into a hybrid cloud environment.

So its better to have more knowledge about it.

1. New Security Workloads: Building Security into the Network

The first transformation is building security into the network. So this transformation can be accomplished in different ways. One of those is a “security-in-a-box,” which is an appliance that is deployed in a network. 

It is a box that has all the security functionality and capabilities for protecting legacy networks. It also can have some advanced capabilities to protect new types of networks, such as wireless networks.

The second way to do this transformation is with a security service that sits at the edge of the network. And also looks at all traffic flowing through the network and protects it. 

The third way to do this transformation is with an inline security appliance that sits right at the edge of the network. Between devices and users, and inspects traffic going through it.

2. Cloud-Based Security: Providing Security in a Hybrid World

The next transformation is cloud-based security, which provides security in a hybrid world. Where you have cloud resources as part of your overall infrastructure.

But also have on-premises assets as part of your overall infrastructure. Today, many organizations are moving their applications to the cloud, or at least parts of their applications to public cloud providers.

Such as Amazon Web Services or Microsoft Azure or Google Cloud Platform. It is part of their overall strategy to take advantage of cloud services for cost savings and other benefits. 

However, there are still certain types of data or applications which organizations want to keep on-premises. It is because they want to control access or for other reasons. 

As a result, the hybrid strategy keeps certain applications on-premises while taking advantage of public cloud services with others. Another reason why organizations may want to move some applications to public clouds.

It is because they aren’t sure what type of application they will need in the future. So they may want to have flexibility by keeping them off-premises but having them hosted by a public cloud provider.

3. Data-Driven Security: Focusing on the Who, What, and Where of Security 

These types of transformations are focusing on the who, what, and where of security. There are three different types of data that organizations need to consider as part of their security strategy.  

Also, the first type of data is identity data. To identify who you are by using various credentials and credentials for authenticating who you are. The second type of data is behavior data. 

That includes the way you interact with websites or applications you’re using. The third type of data is geolocation data. Which can include the location where you’re accessing something. 

And even the route that you’re taking to get there.

4. Security Automation: Using Machine Learning to Detect Threats

There is another transformation that focuses on security automation using machine learning to detect threats. So this is a method in which machines analyze large amounts of data and learn how to predict risks.

Also, threats, and other security issues before they occur. So this could be accomplished by collecting massive amounts of information from different sources such as websites or applications that users are accessing. 

So these are the 4 incredible ways to secure access to service edge transformations.

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